Chapter 10 Oh no...

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Tyler's POV

Hey Jo-jo I'm ba- WHAT THE HELL I see rope on the floor and the chair was knocked down and the door to my garage was open and no Joey.

Shane's POV

My mom came and picked me and Joey up and dropped us off at school. As me and Joey walked inside the school we went to our first class with no trouble whatsoever. I'm happy I have Joey in my life because without him I wouldn't be here today being happy.

Tyler's POV

I stormed to my room and got ready for school. Once I left, I waited for the bus to come. 6 minutes later the bus finally comes. I told the bus driver to hurry up and drive to get to school. When we got to the school I ran and saw Joey with Shane and I thought to myself...of course he would be with him.

Joey's POV

I looked over to shane and he was still writing the lyrics to Superluv. After he finished, I asked him this...

Joey: Shane would you go on a date with me? He smiled and said yes. All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder, I looked back and it was Tyler. I got up from my seat and sat with Shane. He looked at me and turned his head.

Shane's POV

I look at Joey and turn my head around and as I did there was Tyler standing right in front of me a Joey. I got up and said "What do you want".

Tyler: I want my Joey back.

Shane: Hell no get away from us and I feel a tug on my shirt to see Joey crying. I sat back down and kissed him right in front of Tyler. After that he walked away and sat down far away from us.

Tyler's POV

Ugh really he kissed Joey in front of me and I stormed off to another seat far away from them. I took out my phone and started texting.

Joey's POV

My phone started to vibrate I picked it up and it said "Wow I didn't know you were that close. But now everything will come crushing down on you and you won't notice anything. I see Tyler watching the teacher teach a lesson. I knew it was him who was texting me and Shane.

Shane's POV

I felt my phone vibrate and I read the text message " I warned you once I warned you twice.

Now it's time to get rid of you.

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