Ch. 35 Plan B

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Srry I haven't updated in a while... Working on another book. Just go to my works and it'll show O2l sex slave. Working on Ch. 3 so far so good! Well here's Ch.35 plan A failed :D

Joey's POV

When me and Shane walked to my locker to get our 2nd volcano, I started wondering.... Who would try to mess up our volcano? Maybe Sawyer? Connor? Lisa? Luke? Idk. But we'll soon find out when we see the look(s) on their face(s). Shane and I got to my locker and I did the combination..3-21-14. After opening it, I got the volcano and we headed back to class.

Shane: I can't wait to show our project to the class and then we get to eat chocolate marshmellows.

Joey: Ikr its going to taste sooo good. I also hope we get a good grade on this project, if not then I don't know what I'll tell my mom when we get home.

Shane: Ya that'll be kinda disappointing. But lets hope for the best!

Joey: Ya. Now can you open the door we are already here.

After I said that, me and Shane walked through the door and into the classroom to have everyone staring at us in awe.

Mr.Jones: Ah Here they are! The last group of the day! Now Joey, Shane, and Tyler get yourselves together and get ready to present.

After that I put the volcano down and we put the marshmellows right next to the volcano and started filling it up with chocolate fudge syrup.

Tyler: Okay everyone, this is our volcano that we've filled with chocolate fudge syrup and wired it to show the volcano exploding with chocolate. But its not gonna go all over the room. So lets get started.

I turned on the volcano and chocolate started exploding out of it and everyone started clapping, except for Sawyer, Connor, and Lisa. So they are the ones who destroyed our first volcano! I knew it.

Shane: Now who's ready for some CHOCOLATE MARSHMELLOWS?!?!

Everyone: ME!!!

Joey: Okay get in a line and we'll start giving out some for everyone.

I opened the marshmellow bag and started put sticks in them and handed it to Shane to put the chocolate on and hand it to Tyler to hand them out. Once everyone had their marshmellows, me, Shane, and Tyler started eating our too.

Mr.Jones: Okay class thank you for showing your volcanoes to us! And thank Joey, Shane, and Tyler for the snacks they brought! I will also be grading your work for your presentations and handing them out to you tomorrow.

Everyone started saying thanks and finally the bell rang to the last class of the day.

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