Chapter 21 Back at the warehouse (X's lair)

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I come back inside the warehouse and saw Tyler, Sawyer Luke and Lisa walking back and forth, wonder what happened. I took my mask off and said hello to them.

Tyler: Hey C---

I cut him off, anyways I stabbed Joey and all of our problems are over now that Joey's dead. Now we just have to deal with Shane....

Lisa: I have an idea....

After Lisa tells the plan,

X: That idea seems pretty good, but I don't know if it'll work.

Sawyer: Ok well I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!!

X: Sawyer get back over here now. Sawyer walked back over here and I told him to sit down while Tyler, Lisa and Luke left. I yelled "LUKE GET OVER HERE TOO!!" Before he walked out of the door, he walked back over here and sat down next to Sawyer. So can any of you explain what happened yesterday?

Sawyer: I honestly don't know what happened. I mean its Lisa and Tyler's fault for leaving me and Luke to guard the door while they were going to get food for Joey and Shane.

X: I don't care whose fault it is. WHY DIDN'T YOU CHECK UP ON THEM ONCE IN A WHILE?!?!? HUH??? ANSWER ME!!!

Luke: Boss we're sorry. We should've checked on them, but we didn't then when Tyler and Lisa pulled up with a bunch of groceries we all went inside and saw that they were gone. Then Tyler noticed that the window over there in the corner was opened. But I honestly don't know how they got the ropes off if they were tied really good to those chairs.

Sawyer nodded in agreement. Well I better not see this again after we capture Shane and kill him also. Now get out before I yell at you again. They quickly ran and closed the door behind them.

Sorry for a short chapter, but there's another hint her name starts with a C

May the odds be ever in your favour and I hope you had fun reading this I had fun writing it GoooooodByyyyeeee <3

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