C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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C H A O T I C  <C I T Y   L O V E>

scene shifts to a dark , messy apartment !! On the bed a girl is sleeping with avacado pj's  , yes she is none other than Aashna hegde !!
The alarm goes off for the 5th time !
Aashna : ughhhh !! Why this alarm clock doesn't let me sleep !! Ohh noooo!!! Shitttt !!! I have my audition today !! Its already 12:30 pm i need to be there at 2:00 pm anyhow !!! I need to get ready fast ( saying this she got uo from the bed and ran to the washroom,  while brushing her teeth she thinks )

Aashna's pov- ugh!! 7th audition of this month !! 7th time i am going for a rejection!! All these time i got the role of either a negative side charater or an old lady , that too with atmost 4-5 scenes in the whole movie,  still i wasn't selected for even one of them !! Nobody wants to select me , just because if that one controversy !! Let go !!

Brushing her thoughts away she got ready and left for the audition!! The audition went quiet well , this time she was offered the roll for a side female character !!
She was hopping on the streets of mumbai , caring about almost nothing !!! For a moment she even forgot that she was an actress !! Who was quite popular due to a b-town controversy!! Her happiness faded away when she heared a bunch of people talking about......

What were they talking about ?

#dfxff #aasan #unnsa #aasanxfictions ♡

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