C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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All three rushed to the backyard, where they saw aashna standing at the edge , she was in a shattered condition!!! Face swollen as if she cried whole night ,eyes puffed and red !!!

Sanket- honey please piche aa jao !!
Aashna turned back !!

Sanket's pov- when she turned back , my heart ached !! I can't look at her !! I am the reason for her pain !! She doesn't deserve me !! I am so sorry honey !!!

Aashna- how ....ho..how come you all are here ? I told you guys i am fine ( takes a step back)
Sanket-  dosen't looked like !!! ( goes near her )
Aashna- s......sanku!!( she was about to come forward when she tripped over a stone )

But before she could fall off the hill , sanket rushed towrds her caught hold of her !! He hugged her very tightly , leaving no space air !! She broke down in his arms and cried while huffing , sanket rubbed her back , assuring that he is with her , and that too that she is safe !! She closed her eyes , and hid her face in his protective chest !!! His shirt was all wet due to her tears !!! Unnati too was crying so manav hugged her !! Sanket and mamav too wanted to cry but looking at the girls condition they stood strong !!

Sanket- ( parts the hug and wipes off her tears , giving a forehead kiss ) now stop crying !!!
Aashna gave a weak smile !
Sanket- you wanted to know the truth right ?
Aashna nodded a yes !!
Sanket- well manav should we?
Manav- up to you bhai !!( smiles )
Aashna- you knew why he left me ?
Sanket- yesss !!
Manav- sorry !!
Aashna pouts her face !!
Sanket- ( holds aashna's hand ) first promis me that whatever the reason was , you won't leave me!!( with teary eyes )
Aashna- you are scaring me now sanku , i ..... i promise !!💗
Sanket looks and unnati
Unnati- promise !!
Sanket- ( takes a deep breath and sighs ) me and unnati are childhoid friends , we studies together in school , for college she had to move to pune !!! I studied here itself in mumbai !! I made a few friends , a...and a girlfriend arya !! We dated for 4 years !! I never knew she was a bitch untill she showed me some.....s...some clips of unns !!! I was shocked !!
Unnati- my clips ??
Manav- yes yours , i don't know why but arya had to take revenge from sanket , so she indirectly made you the target !! She knew yours abd sanku's relationship so ..... she fitted camera in you room , and had the clips of you changing your clothes and all that stuff !!
Unnati- what ??( she was taken aback in shock )
Manav- ik its shocking unns , she.....she knows about your secret tattoo also that you have at the side of your chest !!!
Unnati- w.....what( she was choked with tears )
Sanket- and then when arya told me about all this , i asked the reason for her revenge,  she said that it was our parent's some old rivalry which i didn't have a clue about ! Thats what unns got for being my bestfriend !!! After that she never contacted me , technically we never broke up !  After 2 years when aashna cane to my life , she also came back and then she wanted me , back ! She said that she still has those videos , she saud She'll give that to media if i didn't breakup with aashna !
Manav- at first he didn't believed her , but when she showed her the video , he somehow had to believe it !! He couldn't put your life at risk and he can never see you in pain , so he took it all on himself and aash and then left her !
Sanket- for the first 6 months i was devastated , loosing aash , you and manav made my heart weak !!! I never thought i would do that but then i started consuming drugs , after a month or two , manav caught me somehow !! Then he took me out of all those bad things and i told him the truth !!

Manav- when i got to know the truth it was pretty late !! He was forced to come in a relationship with arya !! Then unwilling he got engaged to her ! But then we both collected evidences against her , but then she caught us !!! Now there wedding date is fixed after 3 months !! We....we failed miserably !!! If anything happens with arya and sanket's relationship she'll destroy all of us !!!
Sanket- honey , you know by now that i love you so much !!! You qre my no. 1 girls always but not every love story has a happy ending , ours too won't have a happy ending !!! I cant risk you all for just my happiness !! Honey please for me you have to foget me !!! Please ( saying this tears rolled down his cheeks and he fell on his knees )
Unnati and aashna were still numb hearing all this !!! All 4 were crying !!!
Unnati was still processing what happened !!!
Aashna- s......sanku ( bends down to him and sits on her knees ) i ......i am so sorry !! You went through the worst all alone !! I never knew my sanku boi is so strong !! I'll never forget you !! You will always be mine !! We'll somehow find a solution , we'll end this arya thing soon ° i promise !!

In no time they shared a warm , calming hug !!! He burried his face in her neck , and rolled some tears !!! And in no time parted the hug and kissed her soft , tender lips , her taste calmed him down !!! She kissed him back gently as she was a bit shy in kissing in front of unnav but they didn't care as they were busy in there own world !!! Manav was side hugging unns while she burr8ed her face in his chest and cried , although manav was watching them kiss 🔫 ( com'on you can kiss in front of your bestfriend!!!)

Soon everything was back to normal,  the kiss ended and so did unnav's hug ,but till now unnati didn't spoke anything !!


To be continued


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