C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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On chat

Sanket- nice view though !♡

Aashna- yes it is lovely !

Sanket- still awake ?

Aashna- yup... just gazing at the stars !! Wbu?

Sanket- just watching friends for the 100th time 🔫😂

Aashna- yeah its quite interesting but i prefer the office more !!

Sanket- i haven't watched it yet :)

Aashna- you should !!

Sanket- maybe we should ?
( wtffff !!! What did i just say)

Sanket- amm..sorry i didn't mean that !

Aashna- are it's fine!! We should definitely!! 😊

Then they chitchatted for long and then aashna went ti her flat and slept !!

Today's lesson : Don't say that life has passed you by ! It's always been here , waiting like a child , waiting for you to see the wonder . Waiting for you to see the magic of the universe ! Waiting for the day where you don't think of it as a map , but instead feel it like love and hear it like music !! : UNKNOWN !

Now it became a daily thing for them to like each other's posts and comment something related to the caption !!!

It was much days , after they had their first talk over the texts !!! After that no one bothered to text one another !! When suddenly one day sanket's message came !!

On chat

Sanket- hey

Aashna- hii

Sanket- so you are coming to Pish's party right ?

Aashna- who?? Pish ??

Sanket- aree baba.... Piyaaa Malhotra !!

Aashna- The Piya malhotra?

Sanket- yesshhh !!

Aashna- sorry but i ain't invited!!!

Sanket- oh ok... sorry

Aashna- its fine !!

Sanket- but you can come either way .... I'll talk to her !!

Aashna- no it will be very awkward..... and i don't wanna be the uninvited guest !! So let's drop this idea !!

Sanket- pleaseee !!! It won't be awkaward i promise !! I really wanna meet you and be friends!!! :(

aashna- but......ok fine !!!

Sanket- great .....be ready and text me the address I'll pic you up !!!

To be continued!!!

Also guys i wont be posting on wattpad till i cover the story till here on Instagram!!! So do follow me on Instagram

Instagram ID - @aasan.is.sukoon

Thankuu 🕊


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