C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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Bollywood x parties !!! Naam tw suna hi hoga !!!😉

Sanket attends the parties and functions on the behalf of his father !!! Today also he has to attend a party !! He goes there with just one hope that he see's aashna !!! Today also there is hope !!! Lets see !!!

Sanket attends the parties and functions on the behalf of his father !!! Today also he has to attend a party !! He goes there with just one hope that he see's aashna !!! Today also there is hope !!! Lets see !!!

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  Aashna's outfit

  Aashna's outfit

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Sanket's outfit

Party scene -

Sanket is already there sitting at bar , but eyes locked towards the entrance !!!

Aashna's pov- i hate the big show offs of celebrities!!! Ik i myself am one now but these parties are not my thing anymore!!! But today unnati was not even ready to listen,  so she dragged me to the party , waise i was looking pretty hot !!! When i entered the party , that aura hitted different !!! I mmoved my eyes , precisely scanning everything!!! There i saw him , my fear , my love , my disaster!! My Sanku !! He was sitting on the bar chair and when my eyes met his , i was completely numb , my eyes went teary and my heart skipped several beats !!! We know sanku in black hitts diff !!! He hasn't changed a bit , still the old sanku !!! I was on the verge of breaking down but i somehow controlled myself and ignored him and walked away to unnati !!!

Sanket's pov- my eyes were stuck on the enterance , and there she comes , the blessing to my eyes ,my SUKOON !!! My eyes went all teary after that !!! My world stopped !!! She is looking stunning !!! Her sparking , teary eyes , her weak bright smile !!!! No less than an angel on earth !!! My doll !! I am behind all this , i broke her !! I cursed myself again !!! Then she went from there !!! I too tried to divert my mind !!! But then arya came !!!

arya- hii sanku baby !
Sanket- hi !
Arya- come lets dance !!( grabs his hands )
Sanket- n...no ( till he could speak she dragged him to the dance floor )

Sanket's pov- i wanna see her , but arya !!! Ughh , she is all drunk and is leaning over and over !!! My eyes are begging for you honey , my heart wants to see you !!! Where are you ???

Arya- ughhh !! Where are you losttt ?
Sanket- n..nowhere!!
Arya- you know what i find happiness in your arms ( rests her head on his chest )
Sanket- hmm !!

Sanket's pov- wait !! I felt something wet over my shirt !!( looks down ) arya ? She cries also ? ( makes a wierd face )

Sanket- what happened arya ? You crying?
Arya- n..n....no ( quickly wipes off her tears and parts the hug )
Sanket- but the tears !!??
Arya- s.....something went in my eyes !
Sanket- ohh !! You fine now ?
Arya- hmm !!

With this they continue dancing ,sankets eyes were continuously searching for aashna literally scanning the whole party !!! Just one urge " i want you " !!!!

With this the song changes to a proper romantic song , which reminds of lost love !!!

Meanwhile aashna's side !!

Aashna's pov- unnati is busy with her so called friends and manav too is not here , i am bored !!!! Nvm lets go get some drinks !! I went to the bar and said for a neet shot !!! The bartender looked at me as if i am asking for his property,  with this i took couple of shots , i was sober enough to stand but still i was pretty drunk !! As i was gonna go for the other shot i found Rohan coming towards me !!!

Rohan- hii pretty lady !!( in a flirty tone )
Aashna- hii pretty boy ( mimicked him )
Rohan- ( chuckled) i guess you are pretty drunk !!
Aashna- what is this pretty pretty ? No i am not drunk !!( sternly)
Rohan- ok so wanna dance ? ( moving his hand forward)

Aashna's pov- i badly wanted to say no , rohan is big time jerk !! But then i saw sanku and arya dancing , her head laid on his chest !!! I couldn't control my fuming anger and my tears and then he asked me again for dance , so i said yes !!

Aashna's hands were on Rohan's shoulder while his rested on her waist , she was pretty uncomfortable but decided not to create a scene !!
Then he slowly moved his hands closer to her chest , tinkling her on her stomach , and that was it for her !! But before she could react the song changed and so did the partners!!

Rohan was paired up with naina !!!

To be continued

So so so sorry guys ik i am very unprofessional !!! But enjoy this chapter !!!


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