C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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sanket's pov- everything was going well untill this happened!!! Shittt !! Dad is gonna kill me !! He always told me that if once you come in the eyes of media , it will ruin everything!!! Now its happening!!

Tears started flowing out from his eyes !!

Aashna- sanku why are you crying ?
Sanket- it's not what it is shown !! I am not a nepotism kid !!! I am not a drunkard !! My whole career us at risk now !!( starts crying badlyy )

Aashna looked at unnati!!

Unnati- I'll be back!!( she leaves )

Aashna- here( holds his chin gently and move it upwards) nothing will happen !!! We all know how you are !! Just take a deep breath and stop cryung !! These deep , dark brown eyes don't deserve tears !! ( smiles )

Sanket- thank you ( hugs her )

Aashna hugs him back !!

Sanket's pov- the moment i hugged her , i felt a sudden relief , something like which my body and soul needed badly !! Her warmth , her smell , her touch , everything is fabulous just like her , i wanna stay like this forever !! I wish i could !!

( admin- not writing aashna's pov because then it would be boring reading everything again and again but aash too had butterflies in her stomach🦋)

Sanket parts the hug !

Sanket- sorry
Aashna- don't be , it was nice !!

Just then unnati came !
manav- where did you go ?
Unnati- to sort everything! ( winks at aash )
Aashna- everything sorted ? ( excitedly )
Unnati nodded a strong yes !!
Sanket- how?
Unnati- go get fresh and up , then we'll talk !!
Sanket- btw who is he ?( pointing towards manav )
Unnati- ( told him everything)
Sanket- hii manav sanket here ! Nice meeting you!!
Manav- same here !!
Sanket- ( whispers to unnati) told you , you'll find a boyfriend yesterday ! ( winks )
Unnati- sankuuu he is not my boyfriend ( whispered back )
Manav- guys go get ready fast !!
Sanket- come aashna !

Aasan went sanku's room !!
Aash sat on the bed !
Sanket- maam , don't you have to go and take a bath ?
Aashna- i don't have clothes sanku !
Sanket took out an oversized hoodie and gave it to aashna !!
Sanket- here take this and go get ready !!
Aashna nodded a yes and went into the bathroom !!

Aashna's pov- ahhh..... his hoodie!!! I love his smell !! I am not gonna give it back sankuuuu !!( laughs )

Soon both of them got ready and came out !

Meanwhile sanket's parents too came !!

Living room / hall scene ~
Sanket abd aash cane outside and saw sanket's parents sitting on the sofa!!

Sanket held aashna's hands , as his heart was pounding fast , he was too scared !!

Sanket- d..da..dad ?

S/d - come here !( in a stern voice )

Aashna left sanket's hand !!

Aashna- go !!

Sanket goes near his parents and stands still looking down , as if he knew that next moment he is gonna get a slap!!

S/d - ( holds his ears ) are you mad ??? You were leaving a party , drunk and with your girlfriend and co-star ?? The media will make a chaos out if it !!

Sanket- aa...owww....oww ?? Which girlfriend? Unns is my bestfriend!!

S/d- i am not talking about unns , i am talking about her ( points at aashna ) come here beta !!( in a sweet tone )

Aashna- j...ji uncle...... i mean sir !!( goes closer )

S/d- you can call me uncle !!

Aashna smiles !!

S/d- bataya kyu nhi gf ke baare mei ??. Itni tw pyaari bacchi h !!

sanket- prr dad she us not my girlfriend!! We are just friends!!

Sanket's this sentence ached aashna's heart !!

Aashna's pov- wait ....... what ?? Was it all fake last night ? That kiss meant nothing to him ? Ofcourse it didn't ,  he was all drunk last night !!! How could you be so stupid aashna , you know all this love and all is crap !! And still !!

Her thoughts were cut by sanket's mom !!

S/m - its ok !! If she isn't now , she'll be soon !! ( goes near aashna and caresses her hair )

By this time aashna was all teary , she gave sanket's mom a cute smile and ran to sanket's room and then to the washroom !! She opened the tap so that no one hears the crying noices !!

Unnati- sanket uske paas ja !!

Sanket- hn !!

Sanket ran to his room and then directly to the washroom as he heard that the tap was open !!

Sanket- aash ??? Are you fine !!

Aashna didn't replied anything , as she was crying hard !!

Sanket- honey please atleast say something , why were you crying !????

Aashna- i a.....am ok sanku !! I'll be back in a couple of minutes ( her voice was breaking )

sanket-  open the door or else I'll ...... (his sentence stopped as aashna opened her gate and hugged sanket tightly!!! )

Sanket hugged her back , tried to calm her down but she was crying constantly!!! He then let her cry as she'll feel relieved!! After some time she stopped !! Then they parted the hug !!

Sanket- why were you crying honey ?( in the most sweetest tone )

Aashna- wo...wo .....( stammering)

Sanket- come sit here ( takes her on the bed , and aashna sat )

Aashna- when your dad talked with me so pleasantly and your mom caressed my hair , with her angelic eyes , i missed my mom dad so much !!! I never heard my dad's pleasant voice , he always used to shout at me and my mom never xared for me , not even for once she asked me about how i felt !!! I was always alone !! After what all happened in my past , they threw me out if the house , and told me that i am dead for them !!! How could they do this to me sanku? Am i not their own daughter????? am i this bad ??( with a heart full of emotions , teary eyes and breaking voice )

Sanket- no you are not bad at all !!! Please don't cry !!! These pretty eyes , dont deserve tears !!! I am so sorry baput your past !!( kissed her forehead )

Aashna- hmm....... what about the media thing ?

Sanket- don't know !! I'll ask dad about it !!!

Aashna- sanku , you know na we have our  shoot from next week , we need to clear this out before !!

Sanket- yeah !! I'll go talk to dad !!

To be continued

So sorry guys i know i have been inconsistent!!!! But now i am back on track !! Get ready to ride a roller coaster full of emotions !!!💘


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