C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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the next moment Rohan started forcing himself on aashna , she couldn't do anything because she was way too drunk to handle anything !! Still she tried her best to get him off her but failed , his hands slid from her neck to her shoulders and he opened the knot , his hands grabbed aashna's hands to the wall and then he moved his nose make her feel tinkle!!! She was pushing him continuously,  but her efforts went in vain !! Just when he was about to kiss her..........

Meanwhile sanket !!

While his eyes were searching for aashna he bumped into unnati !!

Sanket- unn.....unns !! ( his eyes still teary and red )
Unnati- s..san..sanku ( on the urge of crying )
Sanket- i am sorry !!( he broke down into tears )

Unnati being the kind heart she is , couldn't see her little one crying so she hugged him tightly !!! Both cried in each others arms , after all childhood bestfriends reunited after a whole year !! They parted after much long !!

Unnati- d...did you meet honey ??
Sanket- yes !! She went in this direction!!!( pointing towards the direction)
Unnati- shit i can't leave her alone now , what if she.....
She runs in that direction and sanku followed her !!!
At the end was the washroom !!
Unnati- naina you here ?
Naina- yeah i wanted to use the washroom , but the girl inside is taking too long !!
Unnati and sanket looked at each other in panic , they knocked the door several times and called out her name , but no response as rohan had covered her mouth with his hands !!

Unnati- noo no not again !!!( she started panicking) honey please open !!! You are fine right!!

sanket- she will be fine !!! Nothing will happen to her !!( reassuring unns but moreover himself )
Unnati- no no , i need to call manav !! What if she ..... no she can't!!
Sanket- unns what are you saying ?
Unnati- she tried to suicide after breakup !!! She cuttted her nerves !!! Do you get that !!! ( she called Manav)

Sanket could no longer wait for manav to arrive so he pushed the door a several times untill the lock loosened and the door opened with a bang !!!

Sanket's pov- noo this isn't true , she is strong she can't do anything to herself !! But noo !! I need to open the door !!

When the door opened , all sanku and unns could see was aashna's smudged eyeliner and lipstick,  rohan holding one of aashna's hand while his other was on her mouth !! Her dress's
One knot open and a red mark over her other wrist !!! Her eyes were crying for help !! Sankets fist clenched and unnati rushed to aashna , sanket beated the death out of rohan !!! His fist was bleeding along with Rohan's lips ! His one eye swollen !!! Somehow he got out of sanket's clutches and rushed out !! Unnati all the while was consoling aash !!

Sanket- honey !!( in the sweetest tone possible )
She looked up at him , sanket's blood boiled seeing her in this condition , he wanted to beat rohan till his death , but somehow he ran !!!
Aashna- s...sank....sanku he...he !!!
Sanket- shhh... !!!! He's gone now !!!

Then manav cane there and seeing aashna in this condition tears rolled down his eyes !!! Meanwhile unnati tied the knot of her dress , making her stand !!

Manav- buddy !!
Aashna- manav ( she quickly ran and hugged him tight)

In this one year manav and aashna's bond grew very strong , a brother sister duo !!!
She cried her heart in his arms !!!

manav parted the hug and kissed her forehead , he removed his jacket and gives it to aashna !! She wore the jacket and then he went bear sanket and wispered something !!!

Sanket got out of the washroom and went near naina who was witnessing all this drama !!
Sanket- naina you better don't create a scene out of this °
Naina- i understand sanket , I'll talk to rohan , i am so sorry for his behavior!! You go to her and make sire she is fine !!
Rohan is naina's brotherr !!

It was around 2:00 in the morning,  so it was easy to take aash home without coming into the eyes of camera !!

Sanket held aashna by her shoulder while manav took care of unns as she too needed someone !!!

Unnati- sanku , can you drop her home ? We'll come there by our car !!
Sanket- I'll be there with her tonight,  you go take rest !!
Unnati- i am not leaving her alone !!! That too with the person who broke her into million pieces that she is still collecting !!!!
Sanket- i am not gonna do anythung to her unns !! I know i did wrong but.....
Manav- lets go unns , give them some space!!
Unnati- but manav....
Manav- lets go i said !!( a bit louder )
Unnati- dont do that to me manav !!!( sternly ) you treat her like your sister and you are leaving her alone ?
Manav- she is not alone !!! Sanket h uske saath !!
Unnati- yes sanket !! The one man behind the broken her !!!
Manav- no the man .....( sanket holds his hands and nodding a no )
Unnati- whta guys ??? Ab kya chupa rahe ho ?
Manav- come lets go !!!
( grabs her wrist and starts leaves)
Aashna- can you drop me home please!!!
Sanket- yeah just a min !!
He texted someone and then they drove to aashna's house!!

Meanwhile unnav

Unnav scene !!
Manav grabbed her wrist and made her sit in the car !!

Unnati- what was that ?
Manav- what ?
Unnati- i saw you and sanku !!
Manav- there is nothing like what you think!!
Unnati- there is something manav !!!
Manav- i said nothing !!!( said with anger and shrugged his shoulders )
Unnati- you need to cool down manav chabbra !!! There is no need of yelling at me !! ( saying this she got off the car as they reached their home )
Manav parked the car and went straight to their room !! He saw unns applying ointment to her wrist which was red and had a cut or two !!!

Manav- oh shit i am sorry i didn't mean to , i mean i.....
Unnati- the cuts are not because of you , well the redness is !! ( with this a tear falls out her eyes and she quickly wiped it off)
manav- sorry i didn't knew !!( goes closer to her and sits on both of his knees )
Unnati- you should go and sleep !!
Manav- unns I'll help you and i said sorry !!
Unnati- i don't need your help Mr. Chabbra !! You should have thought about it before yelling at me !!( in a breaking voice)
Manav- i know i hurted you , but sorry i didn't knew that my grip will leave marks !!
Unnati- its fine ( shrugged her shoulders) i am so done with these daily fights and your anger manav !!! I am hurt both emotionally as well as physically !!! Did you hear yourself shouting at me infront if sanket as well as in the car !!!
You need to calm down !!! I am done with these daily fight sessions !!
Manav- i am sorry unns , but you too need to understand that  he was not wrong !! He too had his own problems !!! Well i wish i could tell you the truth but i can't !!! Honey needs her sanku right now , after what all happened today she is broken again !!! Ik you care for her , but understand !!
Unnati- last time !!
Manav- promise !!

He applies the ointment and then both of them dozed off to sleep!!!

Aasan scene-

To be continued

Majorrrrr Cliffhanger !!!! Sorry ik you guys want aasan , its on the wayyyyy !!!


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