C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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living room scene-

Sanekt came out of room amd closed the door !!

S/d - what happended to her ?
Unnati- is she fine ?
S/m- why was she crying ?
Manav- is she still crying ?
Sanket- cool down guys , take a break!!! She is fine now , she was crying before as she remembered something from the past !! Fine
Everyone nodded !!
Sanket- dad what to do now about the media ?
S/d - I'll try and handle the issue , but please make sure you don't do these kind of things again !! ( sternly )
Sanket- yes dad !! Thanku ( looked down )
S/d- now we'll leave !! I have some work !

Sanket's parents left !
Manav- i think i should also leave !!
Unnati- can we meet tonight?
Manav- sure but i think you have a photoshoot now ?
Unnati- oh nooo !! I gotta go !! Actually i gotta run !!!
Manav and sanket chuckled!!
Unnav too left !!

Sanket went to his room !!
He saw aashna sitting on the bed and using her phone,  with merely no expressions !!

Sanket- honey?
Aashna- hmm ( kept looking down , to avoid eye contact )
Sanket went and sat beside her , and held her head up !! T9 his surprise he saw that aashna had teary eyes !!

Sanket- i told you not to cry !!! Honeyyyy( said in the most appealing voice )
Aashna- hmm ( wiped her tears and gave a weak smile )

Aashna's pov- i can't tell him the truth !!

Sanket- come I'll lighten up your mood !! Lets watch "the office "

Aashna- no sanket i think i should leave !!!
( the more i stay here , the more I'll fall in love with you , and now i can't afford that , now i can't afford to loose you , you have been so important to me !!! I can't even think of that )

Sanket- ok ( sadly )

Soon aashna left !!

Sanket was all alone , till someone came and told sanket something taht literally broke his heart !!
( abhi nhi bataungi )

Scene shifts to aashna's house !!

Aashna's pov- why can't i live my life peacefully,  why does this happen with me everytime!!! I know i love sanket , but if he comes to know about my past he'll too consider me as a slut !! Nooo !!! And cherry on tip now yash is also back and his messages , ughhhhh ( tears made a way out ) i can't handle this all alone !
Should i call unns ? Or manav ? I cant call sanket !! I think lets call unns !!

On call !!
Aashna- unns are you free ? ( sobbing )
Unnati- actually a little bit busy , but why are you crying ?
Aashna- nothing !! Please after you get free can you come over , i need to talk !
Unnati- yeah ok !!
Hungs up

After an hour unns arrives at aashna's house !!
Aashna ipened the door and as soon as she saw unns she hugged her nad started crying badly !!

Unns calmed her down and after some time she was fine !!
Unnati and aashna sat on the couch

Unnati- now tell me what happened?

Aashna- ok so I'll tell you from the starting !! Two years back when i was shooting for my first movie ,i fell in love with yash , in just a couple of meetings , too soon !! My first movie's shoot was about to complete , when my life's biggest controversy took place !! literally putting a big COMA to my acting career !! Me and yash shared one room during the shoot , when i came out from the bathroom in bathrobe,  one journalist and his cameraman were spying on us ( their room was on the ground floor ) i didn't knew about that !! But soon yash came closer to me , i too initiated the closeness and then we kissed and the next day the media , news channels and news papers were flooded with our exposed pictures !!! And that really affected my upcoming movie , being a girl , i was slut shamed !!! And yash was the one behind this !!! He gave an interview remarking that i was forcing him into all of this , and the media believed it !! My movie was a big flop !!! Yash also told that i said him that if he dosen't come in a realtionship with me , I'll sew him under the case of rape !!! After that many production company banned me !!! My family threw me out of the house , i lived my life all alone from then !! I was depressed and sad but still managed to handle everything properly,  my second movie too was a flop !!! And after that i met you and sanket !!! We bonded really well but then in party we met yash !!! I could see in his eyes that he is back , he is back to destroy my life !!! And then today morning when you all were in the hall he messaged me !! ( shows unnati some pictures ) these were of the times when we were dating , i didn't knew when he took them !!! But now he is blackmailing me , he said he'll give it to media , and then again everything will be over !!! I don't care about my movie , but sanket !!!! He'll......he'll probably leave me after all this !! I can't!!!( she started crying )

Unnati hugged aashna and she hugged back !!
It was a much needed hug !!


To be continued

Just a bonus part for you all !!! 💘


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