C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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sanket laughs and then they drove to aashna's app. !!

Sanket messaged her and she came !!
The boy's jaw dropped seeing her !!!

Sanket's pov- is she for real ?? Those pumps.... those hoops.... that dresss °° i couldn't control my emotions !!! She is so beautiful  !!!

 that dresss °° i couldn't control my emotions !!! She is so beautiful  !!!

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Aashna- hey !!( to unns and sanku )

Unnati- hiiii

Sanket was still shook !!

Aashna- hii sanket ! ( smiling )

Sanket- you look beautiful!!

Aashna- thanks... you look handsome ( "as always " she mumbled)

Unnati- come aashna lets sit ..... and you sanku boi ..... pick up your jaw from the floor and drive !!! ( with this both girls laugh )

They reached the party !!
Sanket gave the keys of the car to the valley and returned to the girls , who were waiting for him at the entrence !!

Aashna- guys i think we should drop the idea !! It will be very awkward!!

Unnati- areee... come with me nothing will happen!!

Aashna's pov- with this unnati and i interlocked our arms and entered as a couple leaving sanket behind , all by himself !!! To be true .... this was a dream come true for me !!! Unnati and i got along pretty well !! As i entered ..... it felt as if i came to another planet !!! Everyone dressed up in their best attire!!! Drinking , dancing and chit chatting !!! But when we 3 entered .... all eyes were on us !!! People looked at me as if i am an alien !!! I hate this !!!

Sanket- ......

To be continued!!
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ID- @aasan.is.sukoon


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