C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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sanket- ok fine!!

Then unnati and manav arrive and unnati and aashna helped sanket in walking while manav bought the car !!

As i said if there is Bollywood,  there will be media !!!

#USA stood at the entrance while the car arrived !!

Continuous picture clicking and unstoppable media questions !!!
Somehow they managed to get out and sit in the car and then manav drove off !!

Unns was sitting at the passenger seat and aasan at the back !!

Unnati- he never drinks at parties !! Aaj kaise?

Aashna- don't know!

Meanwhile sanket fell asleep !

They reached sanket's home !!

Manav and aashna helped sanket to reach the bed !!

And came out !!

Unnati- honey it's quite late,  you sleep here only !!

Aashna- no I'll manage !!

Unnati- waise bhi sanket is at home alone ..... fir raat ko if he needs any help then !! I'll have to leave because i have a shoot early morning!! Please?

Aashna- amm ok !!

Unnati- manav can you drop me home ?

Manav- sure !!

Unnav left and aashna too went inside !

~ Unnav scene ~

Manav- so Miss. Unnati!!
Unnati- yes Mr. Manav ?
Manav- friends?
Unnati- sure !! ( smiles )

Then they chitchatted untill they reached unnati's house !

Manav- huh !! I guess bye !
Unnati- ( nooo ) mm.... bye !
She got off the car and closed the gate and turned to go inside but then stopped and stood there for a sec and then turned !!
Unnati- m..manav !
Manav pulled down the window !
Manav- yes !
Unnati- can you please stay over tonight ? Actually my mom and dad are out of station , i was going to sleep at sanku's house tonight but then i thought to give them some privacy ....... and now i am scared !!( regrets saying this !!!!! 😂)

Manav- but i don't have clothes !!
Unnati- you don't worry about that !!
Manav- i won't wear your clothes okay? 
Unnati- ( laughs) i have sanku's extra pair of clothes at my house .... you can wera them !
Manav- fine !!

Manav and unnati went inside!!

Manav's pov- why don't i feel awkward ?? It was the first time i met her ...... and we were  so casual !!! She is such a wonderful human !!! I never thought that she would be so sweet to me !! She is so cute !!

Unnati's pov- why did i asked  him to stay ?? It was so awkward!! We have met for the first time and wowww unnati !!! Whatever !!

Unnati- here take these and go get changed ( handing over a pair of pj's and pointing towards the washroom !!) And then we'll watch friends!! Bye !!

Manav- friends ?? I am gonna go sleep !!

Unnati- dont be a spoil sport manav please ( makes a puppy face )

Manav- you look so cute !!! How can i deny this cutie !!( what did i just say ??? Manav shut your mouthhh !!!)


To be continued


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