C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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C H A O T I C  <C I T Y   L O V E>

Her happiness faded away when she saw a bunch of people talking about her !!

Stranger 1: ohh look , isn't she aashna hegde !! ( pointing at aashna )
Stranger 2 : yes !! Look how happy she is !! After all that happened in the past , how is she still able to face people !!
Stranger 1 : huh !! Shameless !!

And so onn !!

Aashna's pov- don't worry !! This is not the the first time i am listening to this crap !! In these two years , i have heard so much that now it doesn't bother me at all !! he was just a part of my life and that's all !! Nothing much !! Come let's go to starbucks !!

Aashna reaches starbucks and saw a bunch of people gathered outside the door shouting and yelling UnnSa !! There were reporters too !!

Aashna- that's the only thing i hate about being popular !! There is nothing called PRIVACY once you become popular!!

Then aashna went inside starbucks !!

Meanwhile UnnSa

Sanket- why is there no PRIVACY in my lifee ??
Unnati- maybe because you are a Bollywood star !!
Sanket- whatever.....( while looking around his eyes stopped on one person !! A bubbly girl with open hairs , a carrot orange  crop top and a denim skirt paired with vans shoes )

( while looking around his eyes stopped on one person !! A bubbly girl with open hairs , a carrot orange  crop top and a denim skirt paired with vans shoes )

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Sanket's pov- i badly want to see her face !! She looks so cute from the back....( meanwhile the girl turns using phone in one hand , while in the other hand was her starbucks order "pink berry refresher " )
Ohh wait is she....? Oh i forgot her name !!
Sanket- unns ....?

Unnati- bol ! ( looking up from her phone )

Sanket- ( nodding towards that girl) i forgot her name !! Her face looks quite familiar !!

Unnati- areee... she is Aashna Hegde!!

Sanket- aashna !! ( gazed at her while she was  standing in the line to pay for her order ) she is beautiful!

Unnati- hmmm !! She is , but what happened with her was not fair !!

Sanket didn't listen to what unnati said as he was busy finding her on Instagram !
Sanket- yesss i found her ( shouted )

There was barely anyone as it was afternoon so they had some privacy !!

Unnati- behave yourself sanku....hum public mei h !!
Aashna didn't pay heed to what happened because she was busy using her phone !!
Sanket- sorry !!

He again looked at his phone !

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