C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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Unnati- you are so strong honey!!! Don't cry !!! I am so proud of you , you handled everything alone !!! And about that yash we'll see them together !!! And also one thing !! ( parts the hug )

Unnati- do you love sanket ?

Aashna- yesss i do !!! But he won't ever accept me !! After knowing the past he'll too try to get away from me !! I can't afford to loose him unns ° i cantt !!!

Unnati- if you love him , then trust your love honey , apne pyaar par bharosa rakho !!! And tell him the whole truth !!!
And if he seems okay with it !! Then propose him soon !!

Aashna- yeah you are right !! But what if he dosen't love me back ?

Unnati- he does aash , i have seen this , his eyes speak this !!! Whenever he is around you he has a different personality!!!

Then aashna remembers the last night kiss !!

Aashna- ohhh yessss!! That's why he kissed me ( in her mind - ooops )

Unnati- kissed ? You guys shared your first kiss ?

Aashna- shhhh... he dosen't know about it !! He was drunk , please dont remind him !!

Unnati- areee ofcourse i won't , but tell me one thing , is he a good kisser ?

Aashna- unns !!!( blushes ) yes he is !!

Unnati- blushing and all hn hn ( teasing )

Aashna- Mine and sanku's is all fine hn , but what about you and manav ?

Unnati- shusshhhh !!! There is nothing between me and manav !!

Aashna- is it so ?( glares )
Unnati- ok fine !! I like him !!
Aashna- whattttt???( in her OG voice )
Unnati- calm down !!! But i am not sure that it is just a infatuation or is it love !!
Aashna- my bet is on loveee !!
Unnati- but its just been two days !! You can't trust a person in 2 days right !!?
Aashna- yup !! Got a point there !! So i suggest you guys to take it slow maybe , first get to know each other !! ( like every bestfriend does )
Unnati- i know maam !! That's why we are hanging out tonight !!! You too call and ask sanket to meet you tonight !!
Aashna- yup i will !!

They talked for some time nad then unnati left !!
Aashna messaged sanket to meet her tonight at xyz hill !!!
Sanket agreed !!

Hill scene !!

   Aashna's outfit

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   Aashna's outfit

Sanket's outfit

Sanket arrived !! He was a little sad !!
Aashna was sitting on the hill , sanket came and sat beside her !!!

Aashna- hii ( without taking her eyes off from the view )
Sanket- hii ( a little sadly but aashna's voice nad the view calmed him down )
Aashna- i wanted to tell you something !!
Sanket- go ahead !!
Aashna tells him the whole stry !!

Sanket- you handled this all alone ?

Aashna nodded a yes while wiping her tears !!! In no time sanket pulled her into a tight , yet a calming hug !!

Aashna- this is what i badly needed!!

Sanket- mee too !!! I am proud of you honey , you are such a pure soul !!! Like hats off to you girl !! You are so brave !!

Aashna- now i am even more stronger
because i have you all by my side !!!

Sanket- well we'll always be !!

Aashna- but now i am really scared !! What will he do ?

Sanket- we'll handle him together !! I'll talk to unns and we will make a plan !!

Aashna- add manav too !!

Sanket- manav ?

Aashna- yupp !! He is unnati's....... so we need him !!

Sanket- unnati's what ????

Aashna- nothing !! ( rests her head on sankets shoulerd and held his arms )

Sanket- this won't work honey , you need to tell me !!( resting his head above hers )

Aashna- its girls talk !! ( smirks )

Sanket- fine !! I need a man's group asap !!

Aashna- man's ???( chuckled) you mean 40-50 years old men ? ( laughs )

Sanket- fineeee!!! My bad !! A boy's group!!( rolls his eyes )

Aashna- pissed off sanket looks so cute !!

Sanket- cute ?

Aashna- meet me at 6 in the evening here !!!( saying this she got up and left )

Sanket- okayyy( shouts )

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