C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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Unnati didn't saud anything as she was hiding her blush , so she quickle went and changed !!

Manav and unnati changed and started watching friends !!

After some time !!

Manav- ok now its getting very boring , i am sleeping !!

(Unnati held manav's arm with her hands and cuddled up , resting her head on his shoulders )

Unnati- pleaseeee manav !!!( again that cute baby face )

( then she realized what she did , she tried to get off but manav made the grip stronger )

Manav- it's okay !! You can unns !!
Unnati- unns ?
Manav- yes unns !!( gave his power puff smile which made unnati blush )

Unnati's pov- why do i have butterflies in my stomach?? But i do feel comfortable in his arms !!! These hard muscles seem soft pillows to me !! Am i getting mad ? Hard soft? Unns ?? What is this feeling ? Ughhhh ?? Idk but i wanna stay like this forever !!( with this she made the grip more stronger )

Manav looked at her and smiled , ok blushed !!

Manav's pov- isn't she the cutest ? The way she is tightly holding ny arms , the way she smiles , the way she talks !! I love everything about her !! I want her to be with me forever !!! I do have feelings for her ? But idk about her !! Is it too soon ? Ughhhhh!!! ( with this he rested his head upon hers )

They watched friends for sometime and then fell asleep in each other's embrace !!

aasan scene -

Aashna closed the door and went directly to sanket's room !!

She saw that sanket was sleeping peacefully,  she she quickly sneaked out a  hodie from his closet and changed !!!

( aash in sanku's hoodie!!! Hayeeeee🙈)

She came out of the washroom and saw sanket was not there !!

Aash freaked out !!

Aashna- sankuuu??

?- bhawwwwww( someone scared her from behind )

She jumped and quickly turned , when she saw sanku there she xalmed down and then hit him playfully on his head !!

Aashna- pagal !! ( in her OG voice )

Sanket- accha mai pagal ?( started stepping closer to her )

Aashna- s...sa..sanku ( she started stepping backwards)

Sanket- a..aas....aashna ( mimicking her )

Now she was trapped between the wall and sanket !!

Sanket was still drunk !!

He moved his hands from the wall to aashna's waist and pulled her closer with a gentle jerk !! And was leaning forward!!

Aashna- sa..sanku you are drunk !!

Sanket- no i am not !!!

aashna's pov- he didn't even payed heed to what i said and leaned forward!!! And in no time ended the gap !! I knew it was going to happen but i was still shook !! His soft gentle lips , engulfed mine !! It was getting intense , and then i finally kissed him back !!! I could taste alcohol,  but i didn't wanted to part !!! I don't know what this feeling is , but i love this !!!

Sanket's pov- when i look at her , i am all lost !!! Her eyes have magic , which attracts me !!! I wanted to kiss her so bad !!! Without even thinking of what will happen afterwards i kissed her !!! At first she didn't rezponded as she was shook ,then i kissed her harder and to my surprise she kissed me back aaa it felt like eternity !!! I love her !!! YESSSS I LOVE HERRR !!! Now i can't wait to call her mine !!! I can't wait to scream and tell the world that she is MINE !!

They parted as they were out of breath !!!

Then he started kissing her on the neck with his wet lips but she moved back !!

Sanket looked at her with question in his eyes !!

Aashna- you are drunk sanket !! You won't even remember what happened today !! It's better we stay in our limits !!!

Sanket took at step backwards , and to cut out the awkwardness he kissed her on the cheek !

Sanket- you look cute in my hoodie !!!

And that made aashna blush !!!

Aashna- i think we should sleep now!! Its pretty late !!

Sanket- please don't ignore me !! We can watch the office ?

Aashna smiled and nodded a yes !!

They watched a couple of episodes and then slept in each others embrace !!!!

Next morning......Morning scene ....

Sanku woke up first and saw that aash was cuddled up to him  and peacefully sleeping like a baby , they were so freaking close to each other , every breath aash took , left shivers in sanku's body !! He was so lost in her eyes that he forgot that he was constantly staring at her !! She too woke up and then they share a deep eye contact which was broken by unnati's voice as she was shouting in the hall !!

Sanket and aashna adjusted themselves and ran to the hall !

Unnati and manav were waiting for them in the hall !!

Sanket- unnati ?

Unnati- sanku overrrr !!

Sanket- what over ?

Unnati showed sanku the newspaper and aasan were hella shocked !!

Sanket- whattt nooooo !!!
Dad will kill me !!! Shitzzzz

So the newspaper had the pic where aashna and unnati were taking sanket to the car !! With big headlines " Drunk nepotism kid " !!! The newspaper had big pictures of #USA carrying sanket out of the party !!!

That is big thing for aashna, sanket and unnati's career!!!

If their is Bollywood,  media nad nepotism will go hand in hand !!!

So about sanket's dad - he was the leading actor of his time !! His films used to break records!! People drooled over Mr. Vikaram Mehta !!! But as time passed , he got old and then launched sanket from his own production company !!! Sanket is a Brilliant actor , but the " Nepotism " tag always grew with him !!

Sanket's pov- ......

Today's quote - no matter how bad the day was , end it on a good note !! Tomorrow is a whole new opportunity to make it better !! Remember taday is gone and it will never come back !!💘

Now just guess what will happen ??

To be continued

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