C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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Sanket- 4 years ago unns was in a relationship with vivaan kapoor , son of Arjun kapoor !! She was madly in love with him !!! Everything seemed perfect for one year !! He used to surprise her , they even used to celebrate monthiversaries , dates , parties !!! Everything was going perfect just like a LALA LAND ! But love is a bed of roses with thorns as well !!! After 1.3 years of their relationship , entered vivaan's bestfriend Eesha Chopra !! They were childhood friends so , vivaan obviously trusted her more !!! Also prioritize her over unnati , which seemed ok to unnati !! Soon unnati's grip over vivaan's heart as well as life slowly swept away!!! Seemed as if Eesha took unnati's place !! One day unnati saw vivaan and eesha making out in bed , she was all shattered !! After some days passed unnati went into depression , fans kept asking her about her relationship status but she kept quiet,  untill vivaan opened his dirty mouth !! He twisted the scenario and blamed unnati for everything !!! He told the media nad fans that he caught unnati cheating on him with me ( sanket ) !!! The media believed what they heard and spread the news !!! Unnati's depression worsened and one day when she was alone in her room she cutted her nerves and after almost 1/2 hr when i reached at her place  i found out that she was lying on the floor and blood all over the ground !! She was immediately taken to the hospital,  this news too spread in the media and the media interpreted unnati as a pity woman , this affected unnati a lot and then again she tried to suicide!!! She blamed herself for everything!!! After many years of fighting from depression she believed in love again !!! And now this !!! ( sobbing )

It was all silence for sometime , sanket got worried and he had no other option left , instead to break the door !!!

He pushed the door hard quite a few times and  was successful!!! They were shocked to see unnati lying unconscious on the floor!!! Till than Sanket alomst teared up!!! Unns was rushed to the hospital quickly!!!
She was under observation for 1/2 hour and then the doctor said that she is fine , but a little traumatized,  take care of her !!
She has been given anesthesia so she'll wake up almost after 1 hour or so !!
Sanket had a breath of relief , but still he was scared for unns , that she might end up being depressed!!! Sanket was sitting on the chair and aashna was consoling her !! His head was engulfed in his palms !! He looked up when a hurried voice striked his ears , he looked up and then he fumed into anger ! That was manav's voice !
Manav- unns......aash .....unns ( he was breathing heavily )
Sanket- get lost from here , this is beacuse of you only she is in this condition again !!! ( sternly but in a breaking voice )
Manav- i know i did wrong , but my intentions were not of hurting her !!!
Sanket- idc about your intentions,  all o care about is that she is hurt manav !!! That too beacuse you stupid ignored her !!!
Manav- i thought that why would she love me , my feelings grew for her , in order not to harm myslef in future i decided to  distance myself !!! I didn't knew that this will happen to her !!! I am sorry !!!
Aashna- sanku ,its not manav's fault , he dosen't know about her past !
Manav- which past ?
Sanket tells the whole story to manav and he fell numb for a second !!
Manav- i....i d..didn't knew about this , i am sorry !!( crying )
Aashna- its ok manav !!( consoles him )
Manav- how is she now ?
Sanket- better !!
Manav- sanku ( goes near him ) i am sorry,  i know i shouldn't have ignored her , but it was an impulsive decision !!! I thought that why would a popular actress love someone like me !!! I have never experienced love , i was a nerd in school , i always wanted my first love to be my last love !!! That's why I did all this !! I know its too soon but i love her !!!( finally )
Sanket- its ok bhai , but now when you know the whole truth , please jeep her away from all such problems!!
Manav- hmm !!( hugs him )
Manav's pov- i could see in sanket's eyes that how much scared he was for unnati , he has seen unnati begging for life !!! Now i will never let her cry , I'll be the r3ason she'll smile !! I'll become her happiness!!
Then all three go to unnati's ward !!

Sanket's pov- when i saw unns lying on the floor , everything flased my eyes and i fell numb for a sec !!! I could recall every moment,  how she was rushed to the hospital , how she badly wanted to die !! I have witnessed everything,  her pain , her suffocation , her desire to die !!! I can't let all of this happen again !!! I can't !! When i saw her sleeping peacefully,  my eyes felt relieved !!! After sometime she gained consciousness !!

Unnati's pov- i don't know what happened to me but i fainted in the room and everything went black in front of my eyes !! And then when i opened my eyes i saw aash , sanku and manav standing in front of me !! All of their eyes were swollen !! I understood the situation and looked at sanket !!
Unnati- sanku .....dd....did i???
Sanket- no you didn't unns !!! You are strong !!
Aashna- you know mai kitna dar gyi thi !! Apna dhyaan rakha karo unns !! I need you with me , everytime beside me !!( tears fumed aashna's eyes and she ran outside)
Sanket looked at unns and she nodded !! Then sanket too ran outside behind his honey !!( i love to call aash as "his honey "🤭)

Unnav scene-

To be continued!!
Guys please drop down honest reviews in the comment section!! Any changes you would want in this ff !!! It would really mean a lot to me ❤


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