C H A O T I C <C I T Y L O V E>

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Unnati- congratulations sanket mehta !!( claps ) you broke her again !!!
Sanket- girls like her deserve this !!!
Unnati- i can't believe that you were my friend!
Sanket- were ?
Unnati- its over between us sanket !!
Sanket- because of her you are leaving your childhood bestfriend!!!
Unnati- yes because she is right !!
Sanket- fine !! Leave now !
Unnati- i hate yòu ( saying this she left )
Sanket- everything ended !!!( sighs )

Fashback time !!!
day before aashna proposed sanku , he got a call from an unknown number !!
?- hey sanket ( mischievous voice)
Sanket- who's there ?
?- pehchana nhi ?
Sanket- a...arya?
Arya- arya here baby !!!!( flirty voice ) glad you remember me !!
Sanket- why did you call me ?
Arya- ok lets come to the point straight!! I heard you are doing a movie ? Leave that movie and about that aashna too !!!
Sanket- what about her ( worried)
Arya- propose her , fake everything and then leave her !!
Sanket- why would i do that ?
Arya- awww honeyy ( flirty tone ) "Me too" suna h ?? You know our past right !!??? Kabhi bhi complain file kr skti hu !!! Do as i say !!
Sanket- hmm
Call cuts !!

Present time !
Sanket recalls all this and cries bitterly !!!
Sanket's pov- whyyy ??? I am sorry for everything !!! I lost everything at once , aash unns and manav too !!!😩
He goes in his room and cries till sleep !!!

Next day !!
The shoot of the movie has to start from today , aashna is sitting in her dark , messy room in a corner , all numb , not crying !!

Unnati and manav knew that aashna was broken so they went to aashna's house!!

Unnati's pov- as soon as i entered her house ,i was shocked to see her condition,  sanku broke aash in such a way that her tears dried up !! Feels like someone took her soul away !! I went near her and kept my hands on her shoulder and she turned,  in no time hugged me tightly and broke down into tears !! I wanted to stay strong but i couldn't control myself!!!
After almost 1 hour she was fine and we left for our shoot!!

The shoot days went pretty normal but in these days aashna turned cold , her only happiness were manav and unnati , the people in front of whom she can be truly herself !!! Sanket gave up on acting and came in a relationship with arya , he started his own business, most of the times he kept himself busy in office,  while the other time he used to sit in his room and curse himself for almost everything !!!!


So here i end season - 1 of
C H A O T I C <C I T Y  L O V E> !!!
This journey has been great,  i hope you all loved the cute little aasan and unnav moments !! I saw some requests of adding aktk too !! I will try !!

It's not always a boy's or a girl's fault in a breakup , but the situations fault !! Bollywood is a deep marsh , which has a lot of secrets buried!!! Lets see how everything sorts out between aasan !! Lets see what new test of love god has for these two !!! Will they able to overcome it ?

Leave your honest reviews in the comment section,  i would love to read them !! Tell me how this story made you feel !!!


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