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Louis walked towards his locker. He was tired from all of the lectures he had today. He just wanted to go home, watch Netflix and eat some ice cream. He opened his locker and placed his books inside.

When he closed it again, he saw three faces staring at him with bright smiles. His best friends Niall, Barbara and Eleanor. Couldn't they have picked any other day because today Louis was just not into a busy night of clubbing, or whatever they were planning on doing.

He raised his eyebrown while he looked at his friends and asked them what they wanted. Neither of then said anything. But then Niall suddenly grabbed his arm and they all started running toward the exit. Louis wanted to protest but he was small and niall was much stronger than him.

They arrived at Nialls car and Louis was dragged inside. When they were all inside and Niall safely locked al the doors, Louis looked at them with an angry face. He wasnt really angry tho, they were his friends, he was just annoyed.

Luckily Niall finally started to speak. "It's my and Barbara's one year anniversery and we are all going out for dinner and then we're going clubbing"

"And that's why you had to drag me all the way to your car" louis says with an annoyed tone in his voice. Yeah else you defenitely would have said no, Barbara awnsers. Louis just rolled his eyes but it was true, Louis would probbably have made an excuse so that he didn't have to come.

But now he was already in Nialls car with his friends, so a lazy night on the couch wasnt happening tonight, much in louis dissapointment.

After a 30 minute drive, where they were all loudly shouting allong with the music on the radio, they arrived at a restaurant. It wasn't really fancy. And that was good because they were all just wearing their usual jeans and T-shirts.

When Niall unlocked the doors, they stepped out of the car and started walking towards the restaurant. It had big windows where the light shone through. There were multiple people having dinner next to the window. It looked cosy and Louis immediately liked the place.

They walked inside and a flush of warmth came towards them. It made Louis warm from the inside, wich he liked. Barbara told the guy at the front with wich name they made a resservation and the waiter brought them to their table. It was in the back of the restaurant where almost nobody else was. Louis was glad about that because he didn't like it when people listened to their conversations. He just didn't like people in general, except for his friends ofcourse.

Louis ordered chicken with mashed potato, like always. Niall said he really had to try something new sometime but louis insisted on getting the chicken. Because why change your order when you already found something you love?

They talked about some upcomming projects at school and their family's, just the usual things. But after they ordered dessert they started talking about their love lives, the subject louis absolutly hated.

All his friends were happy and in a relationship. Niall and Barbara were together for a year and Eleanor got a new relationship with some guy named Bruce.

Louis was the only single one in his friend group. So whenever they started talking about these thing, they would always point at every guy that his friends thought maybe could be a match with louis.

Louis always awnsered with no, a lot of times without even looking at the boys they were pointing at.

He was fine alone. He had friends and he was doing well at school, he didn't need a boyfriend.

After saying no to like a thousand guys Barbara thought would be perfect, they finally finished their desserts, payed the check and made their way back to Nialls car.

Niall drove by all their places and said they had to be at 17Black at 9 pm sharp.

Louis agreed and stepped out of the car walking towards the front door of his house. He heard Niall and Barbara drive away so Louis turned around and waved at them. He then unlocked the door and stepped inside.

He went up to his room, looked at his clock and saw that is was only 19.30. He jumped in his bed and unlocked his phone.

His plan was to go through his instagram for a while then pick out some clothes, take a shower and get dressed. That way he would be perfectly on time.

He saw that Eleanor posted about their dinner. He liked it but didn't take the time to comment. He was too lazy for that.

After something like 20 minutes he put his phone back on his night stand next to the bed. He walked over to his closed to pick out a nice outfit for the night when he saw his clock. It was already fooking 20.30!

Shit, he at least always needed an hour to get ready. He rushed into the shower and then got dressed as quick as he could.
He must have broken is own record because it was only 20.50 when he walked to the door. He quickly shouted: "Mom, I'm going out with Niall and the rest, I will be back somewhere around midnight". His mom responded with: "Ok, have fun boobear". Louis rolled his eyes at the nickname and rushed out of the door.


I'm really sorry if there are any typos, English isn't my first language :)

All the love <3

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