Well, well, wellington

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It was 20.15 and Louis was ready. He had again put on his simple, black skinny jeans. As a top he wore a black tank top and he had put on his black vans.

He was waiting for Harry to arrive when he heard a little bell. He walked over to the window and saw Harry smiling at him.

Wait, Harry was standing next to a.... bike. But Louis didn't have a bike. Gosh, couldn't Harry just pick him up with a car or something.

He grabbed his jacket and walked out the door. Harry was smiling bright at him and his eyes were shining as beautiful as always.

Louis walked to the gorgeous sight that Harry was and said: " Well I don't have a bike so if you're planning to go cycling it is not going to work"

He didn't mean to sound so harsh but Harry should have asked him if he had a bike.

Harry raised a brow. "I didn't really expect you to have a bike, you can just hop on, it's really warm so I thought it was a good idea to go cycling. " You mean you are willing to cycle 30 minutes with me on the back? Louis asked.

''Yeah, you're smol so it wouldn't be that hard.'' Harry said grinning.

Louis just rolled his eyes at that and jumped on the back of Harry's bike. Harry started cycling without any trouble and Louis was kind off impressed.

After a bike ride of something like 30 minutes Harry stopped and Louis jumped of. He had never been to Wellington and he also didn't know the bar they were going to but the owner of the bar was one of Harry's friends so he must know it quite well.

Harry put his bike next to a fence and locked it before walking toward Louis. ''C'mon let's go inside'' Harry said and he grabbed Louis' hand, which send shivers trough his whole body.

Louis blushed and started walking with Harry. They walked towards a big, black building with large windows. Louis already heard music coming from inside when they came closer.

They walked inside and Louis instantly smelled beer. Harry immediately walked over to the bar, still holding Louis' hand, so Louis followed him.

''Hi, can I get some shots for me and... my friend?'' Harry asked the guy behind the bar who turned around when he heard Harry's voice. ''Heyyy Harold, good to see you bro, I'll be right back with your shots'' the guy behind the bar said smiling at the two of them.

He turned back around and walked to where the bottles of vodka were and grabbed one of them. He then walked to the shot glasses and started pouring some vodka into them. Meanwhile Harry had turned to Louis and started staring at him. Louis felt uncomfortable in the silence.

''So do you know that guy?'' Louis asked in the hope to make it a little bit less uncomfortable. ''Oh yeah, he is a friend, his name is Zayn. He used to be my neighbour but then he moved here.'' Harry responded. Louis nodded and looked back at the guy that was named Zayn.

Zayn was done pouring their shots in and started walking towards them and put the small glasses in front of them. It were 6 glasses, 3 for each of them, Louis didn't really know why because Harry just ordered one round of shots but okay. ''Good to see you mate, have a good night'' he said before walking away to help some other people.

Harry and Louis both grabbed one glass and drank the vodka in one gulp. They also did it with the other ones and Louis already felt the vodka working in on him.

Before Louis could think of what they were going to do next, Harry already pulled him toward the dancefloor and started dancing so Louis just decided to follow his moves.

They danced for a while and sometimes one of them went to the bar to get some more drinks, Harry apparently knew everyone here so they didn't have to pay for the drinks.

A couple hours later they were both pretty tired and really, really drunk. Laughing and struggling to stay up they decided it was a good idea to head back home.

They started walking towards the exit while accidentally bumping into everyone who was in the way because they couldn't walk a straight line.

When they finally got back to the place where Harry put his bike, he unlocked it and Louis jumped on the back while Harry started cycling. This time it went definitely not as easy as when they left Louis' house.

They cycled a while and Louis had closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm wind hitting him in the face. But then Harry abruptly stopped and Louis almost fell but grabbed Harry's back just in time not to fall off. ''Oh sorry'' Harry mumbled.

Louis jumped off and looked around. This wasn't his street, it wasn't even close.

Harry let his bike fall on the ground and excitedly said: ''Let's go skinny dipping in the lake there!'' Louis eyes widened and he was shocked by this sudden proposal to go swimming in the lake... naked.

''No way'' was the only thing Louis said. ''Oh c'mon it would be fun and when we were dancing you said you were really hot'' Harry responded. His eyes were glistering and Louis saw that he really wanted to do it.

''Okay if you really want to I will accompany you this one time'' Louis told Harry and Harry directly started smiling brightly. Louis saw he was really drunk and laughed.

Harry walked toward the lake. He stood with his back to Louis and pulled of his shirt.

Wow his back is really hot, Louis thought. Wait no! He couldn't think that, he and Harry were just friends and he maybe had a little crush. But it was just a crush, it would go away really quickly. Louis shook his thoughts out of his head and also started walking towards the lake.

He stopped a little bit behind Harry, because he thought it would be weird if they were facing each other, and he started undressing.

When they both were only in their boxers Harry suddenly turned around. Louis blushed and then he noticed Harry's tattoos. His whole body was littered with them but the one that got Louis' attention was the beautiful, big butterfly on the middle of his chest.

Harry caught Louis staring at his chest and coughed, making Louis look back up into his eyes. Louis blushed a little and then started walking further towards the lake. Harry kept standing where he was and looked Louis bum swing from side to side.

He saw that Louis was going to take off his boxers and he averted his eyes to the trees surrounding them. When he heard a big splash of water he also put his boxers off and quickly ran toward the lake jumping in. They came above water at the same time and looked into each other eyes.

They started splashing water toward one another and swam for a while before they both got too tired and walked out. They both got dressed and lied on the grass.

Louis closed his eyes and enjoyed the silence, this time it wasn't uncomfortable at all.

After a couple minutes he heard little snores coming from his left, where Harry was lying. He looked at his side and saw that Harry was sleeping. He closed his eyes again and fell asleep to the sound of Harry's cute snores.


Fank you to everyone reading this, I really appreciate it :)

All the love <3

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