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The following days Louis took care of Harry. After he was done with school at 2 o'clock he walked to the hospital. It was only a 10 minute walk and he always walked past Starbucks, where he every now and then bought something to eat.

When he arrived at the hospital, he always went to Harry's doctor first, to ask how he was doing. Then he would go to Harry and refresh the water for the flowers he got from Anne. Louis would make sure Harry was laying comfortable and then he would get his books out of his bag and study for a bit. There was a very comfortable chair in the corner of Harry's room where Louis always studied till it was evening and he had to go home for diner.

Before he left for diner he had to put some of the cream, that the doctors gave him, on Harry's stitches. When he was done with that he always said goodbye to Harry by giving him a little kiss on his forehead. He walked back to the doctor Hemmings to tell him he was leaving. When Louis was home the doctors would make sure Harry was alright and when something was wrong they knew that they had to call Louis. But whenever Louis was at home he couldn't focus at whatever he was doing, he was always worrying about the gorgeous boy who still was laying unconscious in a hospital bed.


After a week, Louis was done with school and had the whole day to just sit with Harry, to make sure he was alright.

One day Louis was getting a bit bored. He had already done everything to make sure Harry was ok and he didn't really know what to do, but he also didn't want to go home. His mum and sister weren't home anyway.

He once more looked over at the green eyed boy and Louis still couldn't believe how gorgeous he was. Even with the stitches on the side of his head, Louis had never seen a person who came close to how beautiful the boy was.

At that moment Louis had an amazing idea. When he was younger his dad had taught him to draw and he was pretty good at it. He remembered that he had a sketchbook in his bag, grabbed it and started to draw all of the beautiful features of the older boy.

His brown, soft curls, his long lashes on his closed eyelids, his jawline and all the other beautiful things you could find in the older boys face.

After a while Louis noticed that it was getting dark outside. He looked at the clock and saw that it was already 10 o'clock. He didn't even notice that he was drawing for that long. He looked down at the drawing an he was quit proud of himself. On the paper was a finished drawing of the most pretty guy in the entire world.

Louis put his autograph in the corner and then ripped the paper out off his sketchbook. He drew a little heart with it and then laid it down on the cupboard next to Harry.

Louis knew his crush was getting worse and he didn't really know what to do with it. The only thing he knew was that he was head over heals for this older boy who he was taking care of. "Maybe it is more than just a crush" he whispered to himself before he gave Harry a kiss on his forehead, sat back down in his chair and fell asleep.


How are y'all doin?

I hope you guys like this chapter :)

All the love <3

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