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A/N: this is quite a long chappie. It's inspired by the song 'find me' by Forest Blakk so go check that out. Also, m sorry if it's a bit complicated haha, lots of flashbacks.

As he stood there, in front of all those people, it felt like he couldnt talk anymore. His mouth got dry, tears sprung into his eyes and he desperately looked at Harry. He looked at him, in search of help, and he gave him exactly that. He gave him a reassuring look which gave Louis the confidence to start.

*begin flashback (a week prior)*

It was still dark, Harry woke up from a phone ringing somewhere in the house. He carefully slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake the younger boy, as he walked downstairs where they always put their phones at night. He saw that Louis' phone was lit up and it was an unknown number. He decided to just take it, because his little boyfriend was tired and needed sleep.

"Hello, you're speaking with Harry" he said softly into the phone. "Yes hello Harry, we have to unfortunately give you some bad news." It was quiet on the line for a while before the unknown person began to speak again. "I'm the nurse of Jay and.. I have to tell you that she's not doing well. We- we don't know how much longer she has left."

It was quiet, both of them not knowing what to say.

"What can we- uhm I mean. Can we like, come over to see her?" Harry asked anxiously. The nurse told him that they could and they said their goodbyes.

Harry slowly walked back upstairs, to their room, while he thought of how to say this to Louis.

*pause flashback*

Louis cleared his throat one more time before the words came flying out, like he had them all mesmerised in his head.

"I was once told that walking through a doorway could cause someone to forget even the most precious memories they has. Memories of good, memories of bad, memories of love and of loss. All tucked away neatly, stored like the worn out blankets that were kept to dress the rainy days and bad habits that happen from time to time."

*Continue flashback*

Both boys were sitting in the car quietly. Every now and then a tear blurred Louis' vision and then slipped down his cheek. But he tried his best to keep his breathing steady for when they arrived. He had to be strong for his mum. She had always been there for him, since the day he was born. So the least he could do was be there for her right now.

*pause flashback*

"Or what it felt like to rest your head on your mums shoulder. That still carries with it the creases from where you last placed your heart. Just like that, gone within a single step. That somehow, three beams and an imaginary line drawn across some old aching floorboards, were all that stood between you and the infinite silence of the very things that once coloured your mind with sounds. Its funny, you can make yourself believe almost anything if you, if you think about it long enough."

*continue flashback*

He walked into the room, all alone, he asked Harry to wait in the car so he could have one last moment with his mum. Just the two of them, just like it started.

It was quite dark and the only light came from the street lights shining through the windows covered with raindrops.

All that was heard, were his footsteps as he slowly walked towards his mums bedroom. He opened the door, making it creak a little bit.

He walked inside the room and as he smelled her mesmerising lavender perfume he took a seat on the side of his mothers bed. He traced his fingers along her hair and looked at her, sleeping peacefully.

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