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*a few weeks later*

Louis had now fully moved in with Harry and the boys were deeply in love with one another. Due to covid Louis only had online school and his mum was okay with him living with Harry. She didn't know they met at a bar though. Louis had told her he was some boy from school and she immediately believed her son.

Harry was getting better and better. His cast had just come of and the stitches on his head were healing perfectly.

Every night before the two boys went to bed, Louis would gently put some of the cream on the stitches to make sure they would heal completely. After that, the boys would cuddle up on the bed. Louis chest pressed close to Harry's back and his face nuzzled in the older lads neck, sometimes feeling the soft curls brush over his face.

They would hold each other like that till the morning came and they had to get up. Louis had his online classes and his new job at a small bakery. At the end of the vacation he applied for the job and apparently they liked him because he instantly got the job.

Harry also found a new job. Not wanting to work at the bar anymore, he searched for something new. Something where he could make a bit more money to provide himself and Louis. Now he was working at his fathers friends hotel. It was a really fancy, five star hotel where all the rich people came.

Harry is running an entire department of the hotel, which is a really big responsibility. His fathers friend, George, was already I his 80s and didn't have any children. He had told Harry that if there ever came a time when he didn't want to run the hotel anymore, he would give it to Harry. George had known Harry since he was young and he trusted the boy with everything he had build up in the last few years. The boy actually had some talent in running a hotel, even if he only had a small part at the moment.


One Saturday morning, when Harry woke up, he didn't feel the warmth of his boyfriends body next to him. Instead he felt the cold wind gaze over his naked back and he saw the blanked pushed aside on the younger lads side of the bed. He slowly opened his eyes further and pushed the curls covering his forehead aside. He got up and pulled on some sweatpants before walking downstairs to search the small boy. When he walked into the kitchen he smelled something nice and saw Louis standing next to the counter with just his boxers and his apron on. He looked gorgeous, all focused on whatever he was making, soft fringe pushed aside and blue sparkling eyes with long lashes.

Without making too much noise, Harry walked up to the smaller boy and wrapped his arms around his chest from behind. The younger boy squealed a bit before melting into the touch. He rested his head on Harrys shoulder before saying: "Good morning Haz". He had a sloppy smile on his face and his eyes were shining while looking up into is boyfriends emerald green ones.

"Good morning baby, what are you baking that smells to good?" Harry asked with his raspy morning voice that Louis absolutely adored. "I woke up early, so I decided to make us some pancakes as breakfast". Louis answered happily, going back to paying attention to his pancakes instead of his boyfriend. "It looks delicious kitten, can I do anything to help you?" "Well, I'm almost done but if you want to put some whipped cream and strawberries on top then I can go make us some tea." Louis said before walking away to get both of them some tea.

Harry smiled hazelly as he watched his boyfriend before grabbing the whipped cream and strawberries and putting them on top of the golden pancakes. Meanwhile Louis had put their tea on the table and was walking back to Harry to grab his pancakes.

But before he could grab them Harry spun him around in his arms and pressed a small, soft kiss onto his lips. It made the small boy giggle which brought a bright smile to the elders face. Harry let one of his arm wrapped around the other go and grabbed the whipped cream and quickly put a bit of it on the youngers nose. "Heyyy, what did you do that for?" The boy said, looking cross-eyed to see the whipped cream on his nose. Harry laughed and wiped it of with his finger and holding it in front of his boyfriends mouth. Louis was quick to lick the whipped cream of his finger and moan a bit at the taste of it. He giggled a little before giving Harry a quick peck on the lips and grabbing his pancakes so that he could finally have breakfast.

Harry also grabbed his and walked behind the other boy, sitting across from him at the table. They ate their breakfast in silence while they gave each other occasional glares. Harry couldn't imagine his life without his beautiful blue eyed boy anymore and he was already seeing him in his future. Madly in love with little kids running around. A loving family... that was what Harry wanted in his life. And he wanted it with the boy sitting right across from him at this table.


I'm so sorry. This update really took ages. I was just fookin busy with school and life is just a bit hard sometimes. But now I'm back for a whilleee. I will def try to upload more the upcoming weeks :)

Anygayyy pls comment and vote, love all of you sm.

All the love <3

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