I'll protect you

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The next time Louis woke up, it was the middle of the night again. He was laying in their soft bed with the warm body of his boyfriend next to him. He looked around the room and saw some brown, shining eyes looking at him.

He stared at them, they looked familiar and gave him a warm feeling inside. As his mind got used to the dark, a face appeared around the eyes. It was the face of his mum. She was smiling at him, just like she used to do when he was just a little boy.

He slowly sat up and walked over to what he saw as his loving mum. He walked towards her and stretched his arms in the hope of a warm embrace, which he didn’t receive. All he felt was the emptiness of the room.

Louis saw her eyes, he really did. He saw her beautiful face, defined cheekbones, pink lips and dark brown locks. He saw everything he had seen before she went. But still, he couldn’t feel the love he used to, he only felt hurt. Just like the couple days before. He felt hurt all over.

As he came even closer to her than he already was before, she disappeared into nothingness. Her face turned to blackness and her smile changed into air, not being able to be seen.

And he cried, he cried for what felt like ages. It felt like all the contents of his body were being pored out by salty tears streaming down his cheeks.

And it hurt even more, it hurt more than he ever thought he could be hurt. He sank down to the floor again. The events before his short time sleep repeating itself over again.

He hugged his knees close to his chest. Making himself as small as he possibly could. It felt like he was sinking, sinking down in a black hole.

It felt like he was falling, falling untill he was met with the doors of the afterlife.

He couldnt do this, not anymore.

That was when he felt a warm hand resting on his shoulder. He quickly shook it off, scared of whatever was there behind him. He didnt want to be comforted. He didnt want anyone. Not unless it was his mum.

The figure attached to the hand tried to give him a tight embrace that made Louis feel like he was being chocked. "NO" he screamed, slapping the arms surrounding him away.

He kept screaming, slapping and kicking around untill he heard soft footsteps leaving and a door closing.

He sat there for what felt like an entirnity. He was cold due to the sweat that had appeared on his back during it all.

The cold comforted him and he fell back to sleep, curled up, right there on the ground.


When he opened his eyes once again, he was snuggled up by a warm body against his own. He could smell the honeylike shampoo he loved and he felt little curls tickling his forehead.

And he remembered it, he remembered it all. Was it a dream? But it all felt so real, it did.

Before he could stress over it and jump up to run away or crumble down like before, he heard a soothing voice speak. "Hey baby, it's alright. Im here with you. I'll protect you."

It was Harry. And as scared as he was of the touch before, as happy he was to have him right there with him now.

Harry told him that he had been woken up by Louis' sobs. He had tried to comfort the younger boy lying on the ground, but he had slapped his arms away. The older one walked away, not knowing what to do. When he had returned to the room, his boy was sleeping on the cold and dirty floor. He carefully picked him up and cuddled him close on their comfortable bed.


They had laid there for some time as the older boy comforted the younger one. They took a warm shower and Harry washed the other lad's fluffy hair. Louis put on some real clothes for once and tried to style his fringe like he always would.

And Harry was beside him for every step of it, even how small it was. Harry was holding his hand through it all, and he couldn't be more grateful for that.

It was lunchtime when both boys were done doing the basics of the morning. Harry had pulled him inside the car and they were now on their way to a little eatcafe to have lunch.

It was the first time outside for Louis and even though the bright sun made a slight headache appear, he was happy to be there with his fiancé.

When they arrived at the little café,  they got out of the car and with interwined hands walked to the building.

When inside, Louis glaced at his surroundings. There were small booths at the side and the floor was covered in yellow/blue squares, giving it a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.

The boys took a seat at one of the booths next to an older couple. They ordered some drinks and a nice sandwich.

After their drinks were brought, they were told the sandwiches would take a bit more time but would be there as soon as possible.

After a little conversation about little nothings, Harry needed to use the restroom. "Is that okay with you baby? If you dont want me to leave, I'll just stay with you okay." Louis told him it was fine to go and so Harry did.

Louis was just casually sipping from his smoothie and looking around to all the other people having lunch. The elder couple was packing their things and paying the bill. Right before the two of them walked away from their table, the woman turned around and spoke to Louis. "Keep that one, I can see that he loves you." Louis smiled at her and she gave a soft smile back before walking out with her husband.

Louis loved him too, so so much. And he hoped that he could call Harry 'his' forever.

When Harry came back, he gave him a little kiss, just because he could.

The waiter brought their sandwiches and they ate their lunch peacefully, discussing little things about their wedding. And louis hadnt felt that good in for a while.

He had started to accept everything that happened in the past days. He knew Harry was always there for him, and that was all he ever needed.

And Harry? He couldn't be more proud of him.


I was too lazy to check for mistakes, so 'm sorry if there are any.

Pls vote and comment :))

All the love <3

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