Waking up

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Harry's pov:

It felt a little bit like he just woke up from an amazing nap but it was different. He wanted to open his eyes to see where he was but he didn't have the energy. He tried to speak and ask for help but his mouth didn't move and he felt exhausted.

Harry didn't recognise the smell of the room, it didn't smell like at home. Where could he be? Then he fell back to sleep...


A while later he 'woke up' again. Still not being able to move or talk. But this time he did remember things. He remembered driving in his car, nothing special. And then... he saw it replay in his head. He saw someone drive the wrong way, the car was rushing towards his, he didn't know what to do. And then it was black.
He remembered every detail and it kept replaying in his head.

After reliving the horrible moment a thousand times he was shook out of his thoughts by the sound of a moving chair. Harry tried so hard to open his eyes to see what was happening but he couldn't.

He heard someone getting closer and then putting something down next to him. He just wanted to let the person know he was awake but he couldn't move or do anything. His muscles were weak and he had never been this tired.

At that moment, when he stopped trying to open his eyes because it wasn't working anyway, he heard someone speak. " Maybe it is more than just a crush" Harry heard a soft and tired voice say. It was the most beautiful voice Harry had ever heard and he knew he recognised it but he couldn't remember from who. Then he felt soft lips touching his forehead. It felt wonderful and the only thing Harry was trying to do was trying to remember who that voice belonged to, who was giving him a kiss right now?

He heard the person walking away and then he heard the creaking of a chair. He was awake for a couple more minutes, just trying to analyse the sounds in the room. But after he heard the breath of the person in the room even and little snores coming from it he slowly drifted of to sleep again.


Hope y'all like it :)

All the love <3

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