The text

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Louis woke up somewhere in the afternoon and checked his phone. He had a message from an unknown number?

Unknown: Hi, I really had fun last night!

Louis was confused. Wich person who he spent last night with didn't he have the number of?

And then it all came flashing back, Harry, the dancing, THE KISS.

But Harry didn't have his number so how would he be able to message him?
Louis decided to not question it anymore and just ask the mysterious number.

You: Hi, I also had fun last night, but who are you exacly?

Louis felt weird for asking this but he really didn't have a clue for who it could be. Luckely he soon received a message back.

Unknown: It's me, don't you remember our perfect kiss (;

Wait, so it was Harry?! Yeah it must be, he couldn't remember kissing anyone else.

You: Of course I remember, just didn't know it was you :)

You: By the way, how did you get my number???

Harry: Good, I wouldn't want you to forget.

Louis blushed as he read the text.

Harry: Oh and I got your number from your Irish' friends brother.

You: You know Nialls brother???

Harry: You really like asking questions dont ya, and yes Greg and I went to highschool together.

Louis wasn't really sure how to respond to that so for a couple of moments his phone didn't make any sound and just laid in his hand while Louis stared at the screen.

Just when Louis wanted to lay his phone on his nightstand, it bleeped. He never unlocked his phone faster than this.

Harry: So I kinda wanted to ask you a question...

You: Yeah?

Harry: I don't have to work tonight so I was wondering if you wanted to go to a bar with me, and just kind off hang out?

Louis eyes widened when he let his eyes slide over the words. Did Harry just ask him out??

No, he probably just had a nice time last night and wanted to hang out, as friends. And by the way it was just a crush, it didn't mean anything.

With all the thoughts going on inside his head he almost forgot to respond.

You: Yeah, I would like that :)

Harry: Great, what about that one bar in Wellington. My friend Kevin is the owner so maybe we can get free drinks.

You: Sounds good!!

Harry: If you want I can come pick you up.

You: That would be nice.

You: My adress is ******

Harry: Okay, I'll be there at half past eight, see you then.

You: Byeee, see you then.

Even tho Louis was sure this was just a friendly hangout, he was still very happy. He was smiling at his phone when he decided it was a good moment to take a shower.

It was already 2 pm and he had not done anything today.

He took a shower, got dressed in some comfy clothes and then started on the homework he needed to hand in after the weekend.

When it was half past seven he started to get ready for his date with Harry, wait no, his friendly hangout with Harry.


So this chapter is a little short but I hope you like it :)

All the love <3

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