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Louis felt his head pounding and slowly opened his eyes. He looked straight into Nialls big blue eyes. How did he end up at Nialls place? He wanted to sit up but that only made his head pound harder so he lied down again.

''Here take this'' Niall said, giving Louis a pill. He swallowed the pill and asked Niall how he came here.

Niall told him everything. He and Liam, who he met at his brothers party, went to the café in town together and when they walked back home they saw two people lying in the grass. When they walked closer to the two persons and saw that it were their best friends, Liam and him laughed and decided it was a good idea to wake them up to get them home.

Liam woke up Harry and took him home. They had been friends since kindergarten apparently so he didn't mind. Niall tried waking Louis up but he just kept sleeping so Niall carried him to his own house because it was closer.

Louis didn't remember much from last night, only that he got really, really drunk. He didn't mind that he forget everything, nothing important happened probably. He and Harry were just friends so why would something important happen?

He and Niall had breakfast together and then Louis went back to his own house. When he opened the door he immediately heard his mother scream: ''Louis William Tomlinson where were you last night, you told me you would be back a little after midnight at last''. He walked toward his mother and apologised. He told her he went out with Niall and also stayed the night with him but forgot to text her. She forgave him but told if he did it again there would be consequences.

Louis walked to his room and unlocked his phone. He apparently got tagged in a random post on insta, he wasn't really bothered to look what it was so he just swiped the notifications away. Until he got to another notification, it was from Harry. Harry had texted him again.

Harry: Hey, again I had a really great time last night :)

Harry: Oh and apparently I put your shirt on last night after we went skinny dipping, oops.

Wait wot? Niall told him that he was still a little wet from swimming, but skinny dipping????

Louis had to dig far into his memory but then it hit him. All the memory's of last night came flashing back. The shots, the dancing and of course the skinny dipping. How did he even forget about that?
He also didn't even notice before that the shirt he was wearing wasn't his, wow he really did have a bad hangover.

Me: Hi, I also had a good time.

Me: And about the shirt, I don't really mind. Good excuse to see each other again ;)

He saw that Harry got online only a second after he send the message.

Harry is typing....

Louis was inpatient but waited for Harry's text.

Harry: I don't think I really need an excuse to see you Lou.

Me: So you call me Lou now?

Harry: Yeah, nice nickname right, u like it?

Me: Not very original Harold.

Harry: Ok let me think of a more original one then.

Me: Sure, take your time.

Louis locked his phone with a smile and wanted to walk towards to door so that he could get some food from the kitchen. But right when he stood up he heard his phone bleep again. He sat back down on his bed an looked at the message.

Harry: What do you think about Lewis???

Me: That's most definitely not how you're going to call me.

Harry: Ok, what about Tommo?

Me: No, that sounds weird for some reason.

Harry: I wont call you Tommo or Lewis but only if you let me use my third choice

Me: Ok i guessss

Harry: Yay

Harry: From now on Im gonna call ya sweetcheeks

Me: Hell no, why would you call me that??

Harry: Bcs ur cute

Louis blushed at the message. What did he mean with that, did he like him?? No probably not, he was Louis. No one ever had a crush on him...
Louis averted his attention back to his phone.

Me: Well fank u harold

Harry: No problem sweetcheeks :)

Louis rolled his eyes at the nickname but also smilled a bit, because maybe he liked it a little that Harry called him that, but just a little.

Harry: See ya later sweetcheeks x

Me: Bye, see ya later Harold.

Louis locked his phone and smiled as he stared in front of him.


Next week I will probably be busy with school so I thought I'd give ya a double update :)

All the love <3

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