Lil kiss

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The next morning when Louis woke up, the sun was already shinning bright through we windows. He got up from his bed and felt pretty food. Better than he expected when he remembered how much he drank last night.

He put on a sweater and some sweatpants and walked down the stairs. When he opened the door to the livingroom he saw Lottie sitting at the table. She was already having breakfast and she was so obsessed with her phone that she didn't even notice it when Louis walked into the room.
"Good morning sis" he said trying to get her attention. "Morning Lou" was al she said before she continued to read whatever was on her phone.

Louis decided that it was a good idea to make some breakfast. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. Then he got the milk out of the fridge and put some in his bowl before placing it back. Then the special ingredient: COCO POPS!

Louis loved coco pops. It was the best thing in his life, except for his friends and family of course.

He grabbed a spoon and walked over to Lottie and sat down next to her. She still didn't look up from her phone so Louis decided to just also go on his phone.

They had breakfast in silence and after that they both went upstairs to get dressed.

Louis quickly took a shower and then put on his black skinny jeans and a green adidas sweater. He fixed his fringe and looked in the mirror, good enough he thought.

When it was time for him and Lottie to go to school, he walked over to her room. He knocked on het door and shouted: "You have to go or else you will be late!" Yeah I'm going! she shouted back.

On schooldays his mum was already at work when he woke up and she had brought the twins to the neighbours who babysat them. The only thing Louis had to do was make sure Lottie went to school on time.

He heard Lottie leave and then he also left the house to go to school.

When he arrived at school he already saw Niall standing at his locker waiting for Louis. Niall had kept mocking Louis about how long it took him to get drinks and he knew Niall would probably continue that today.

He walked over to his best friend and yes there it was. "Good that this time you didn't took so long mate" Niall said, laughing hard at his own joke. Louis just rolled his eyes and opened his locker to get his books. When he got everything he needed for the day they walked to the classroom together.

After a long and exhausting day, Louis walked back home. He planned on doing absolutely nothing. His homework was done and he was just going to watch Friends the whole evening.

Sitting on his bed, eating popcorn he enjoyed the episode he had already watched a thousand times. Normally he could watch Friends for hours but this time was different. Every time his mind went back to last night.

What if Harry was at the club again tonight? Maybe he could go and find him, ask him his number. But no, his social anxiety wouldn't even allow him to talk with Harry. He sighed and sat back on his bed, not even paying attention to the tv anymore.

Right before he drifted of to sleep, his phone rang. He picked it up and heard Nialls excited voice say: "Hey Lou, some of the boys at my brothers school are giving a party, wanna join?" Louis agreed because maybe he would have some distraction from his thoughts.

Nialls brother went to college and they always threw amazing parties. With free drinks, which Louis liked.

He changed into some party clothes. Which consisted of just his same skinny jeans but this time with a white tank top.

An hour later he arrived at the party. He told Niall they would just meet inside, because he didn't want to bother him if he was late again. He walked inside and saw the crowded place. Just great, how was he supposed to find Niall between all those people?

He decide to just text Niall that he had arrived and walked into the kitchen. After grabbing a beer, he turned around to walk over to the living room, in the hope to find Niall.

But as he turned around he froze. Again. And again it was the same thing that caused him to freeze. Those beautiful green eyes staring right through his soul.

"Hi, weren't you at the club I work last night?" Harry asked, still staring at Louis. Um Uh ye- yeah that was me Louis said, blushing as he stuttered.
Why was he blushing, why couldn't he just speak like a normal person?
The strange feeling in his stomach came back, but he tried to not pay attention to it.

I'm Harry, nice to meet ya. Do you want to go dancing, I lost my friends and I have no idea where they have gone, Harry laughed. Louis laughed back. "Yeah sure I guess, I'm Louis by the way." Louis, what a beautiful name.

Louis blushed at the words and they walked to the dancefloor together.
They started dancing and Louis couldn't stop staring at the taller guy in front of him. But Harry didn't seem to mind. He just stared back with a smirk on his face.

After a while Harry started to move closer to Louis. There was almost no room left between them while they were dancing and Louis still didn't stop staring. God, what was Harry beautiful!

Louis enjoyed the sight of those emerald green eyes and his curly hair that was put into a bun this time, and he almost didn't even notice it when Harry's face came closer to his, but when he noticed he also leaned in and before he knew it his lips were touching Harry's.
It was a soft and perfect kiss.
Louis really couldn't believe this was happening to him. Him, Louis, the weird guy without any social skills, who never had been in a relationship and who wasn't even close to how beautiful Harry was.

The kiss continued for a couple more seconds and Louis forgot everything around him until some really drunk guys came and ran to Harry.
They pulled Harry away and started screaming things Louis couldn't hear.

He looked up to the taller guy and saw that he mouthed: ''sorry, I will text you''. Then he saw him disappear in the crowd of people.

Did this really just happen? Did he really just kiss Harry? He was shook out of his thought when Niall walked up to him.

Hi mate, what's up? Niall said excited as always. ''Um I think I just kissed Harry'' Louis said without even thinking about that he never told Niall about Harry.
Niall raised his eyebrow and asked: who is Harry, you didn't tell me you found someone?

Louis quickly told Niall how he met Harry and that maybe he had a little crush. Niall was really excited for him and already started planning double dates, but Louis stopped him and told they only kissed once and they didn't even exchange numbers.

Wait, they didn't exchange numbers. How was he going to contact Harry? When he realised that his smile turned into a frown. He didn't have Harry's number and he would never be able to find him in this crowd, he thought. Well it was just a crush, Harry was probably not even really interested in Louis.

Louis tried to not think about Harry for the rest of the evening, for how far that was possible. After a few more beers and a few more hours of dancing he decided to go home. Niall agreed too and together they walked home. Niall lived one street further so they always walked to louis' house together.

He said goodbye to Niall and walked into his house, trying to be as quiet as possible because it was 3 am and his sisters and his mum were already sleeping.

He walked up to his room and laid on his bed, not even bothering to take off his clothes, and fell asleep immediately with the thought of Harry's soft lips on his.


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All the love <3

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