Somewhere special

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Louis was sitting on the couch, listening to music, when his beautiful boyfriend came walking into the room. He was wearing a deep green button-up that matched his eyes and black skinnys, that louis loved.

He walked towards the younger boy and stretched out his arm towards him. "Cmon honey, i wanna take you somewhere." Louis placed his small hand in. "And where may that be?" He questioned as he stood up from the comfortable black couch.

"Thats a surprise." Harry giggled and he pulled Louis towards the front door and inside the car.

"Lou, is it okay if i blindfold you?" Harry asked while he showed him the blindfold he was holding. "Uhm yeah, sure, i guess." Louis mumbled and leaned forward so Harry could put the thing around his head. The older boy quickly pecked his beautiful pink lips before playing the blindfold over his eyes, which only made him see darkness.

Louis felt the car starting to move. Harry placed his big hand on his waist and he let out a content sigh. He enjoyed the wind coming from the open windows that blew his fringe aside and made his eyelashes flutter. Before he knew it, he had drifted off to sleep, contently following the steady movements of the car.


He felt a warm hand cover his cheek and soft lips connecting with his forehead when he realised where he was again. He opened his eyes just to look in his boyfriend's green ones. "Morning, sleeping beaty." He grinned at him. "U ready for your surprise?" Louis looked at him with a big smile covering his face. "Definitely."

Harry placed the blindfold back before he intertwined their hands and started walking to wherever the surprise was. Louis heard little branches snap under his shoes and leaves fly in the wind.

Harry ordered him to bend down a little, so he did as the two boys continued to walk.

He felt the warmth of the sun vanish and the branches under his feet disappear. After a few more meters of walking, Harry stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We're here" he said, it was no louder than a whisper and louis heard a little echo surrounding them. "Take off your blindfold baby" and so he did.

He scanned their surroundings and was in awe. They were in this cave thing, he guessed, when he saw the stones everywhere.

All over the ceiling were hanging little fairy lights and on the floor there was a big heart, created with white candles. All the lights made a yellow glow cover the surroundings of the cave.

"Come sit here, Lou." Harry told him and pointed to some cousins within the candle heart. "What's all this Hazza?" he asked as he took place on the cushions and blankets, Harry sitting next to him.

"Just" the other boy pointed a tiny remote control to the wall of stones and a white square projection appeared. "Just watch." He placed an arm around Louis and pushed one of the buttons on the remote control again.

The projection on the wall changed to a video. It was a video of Harry. It was from a while ago, his hair was shorter than it was now. It didn't even reach his shoulders and the curls were less defined.

The video continued to play, Harry was telling everything to the camera. What he loved about Louis, what they did that day. It kept going and going. Every now and then Harry's clothes changed which indicated that it was another day. In between some parts, videos and photos of them together came through.

All the memories made Louis tear up. They weren't even together for that long, but they had so many memories already, and so much more were to come.

When the videoprojection was over, it disappeared again. The only light coming from the lights and candles.

"Harry, what's all this about?" Louis asked him with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"Louis, I just... I love you till the moon and back and I can't imagine my life without you. I dream about our future together, with little kids running around. I want to be with you forever and... I know, I know we haven't been together for that long, but you know. With all the shit happening in our lives at the moment, with Jay and everything. I just wanted to, and its okay if you don't want to, but I was just wondering..." he took a deep breath as he stood up and pulled a little black box out of his pocket.

"Louis William Tomlinson, will you marry me?"

Louis looked at him. A surprised expression on his face that soon changed to the biggest smile anyone had ever seen.


Harry quickly pulled him up and wrapped his arms around him as tight as he could. He would never let his little boy go, not until the day he dies. And even then he will wait for him in heaven.

Louis broke up the cuddle, but only to crush his pink, fluffy lips to his fiancé's. It was real, Harry was his fiancé now. And he wouldnt have wanted it any other way.


Hope you like it hihi :)
Sorry for any mistakes (i wrote this at school hahaha)

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All the love <3

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