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As Harry walks into the room, he sees Louis sitting on the bed. He is wearing a low cut top to show off his collarbones and a skirt which is a bit short with black, lace panties underneath that Harry can clearly see. It makes the golden skin of his husband shine through and he still can't believe he gets to call Louis his.

Harry purposely closes the door behind him so the younger boy would notice. He does and quickly sits up a little, immediately getting a little shy at seeing his husband.

''Hey baby'' He smiles at his little boy who returns the gesture. ''You look very pretty for me, didn't expect all this.'' He says as he walks closer to the bed where Louis is still sitting. ''All for you Haz, wanted to make tonight special.''

''But baby, you know that everything is special when I'm with you.'' And Louis giggles upon hearing that sentence. ''Don't be so cheesy'' he laughs at his husband before his blushing cheeks appear again. Harry also chuckles a bit before he runs his long fingers through the brown locks of the younger one.

Harry brings his boys face closer and gently kisses his pink lips. The two of then lay down on the bed, Louis on top and Harry under him. They make out for quite a while until the smaller one sits up.

"C'mon I have a surprise Haz." he grabs the others hand and starts walking to the door, opening it and continuing to walk downstairs to the big and open living room. Harry instantly spots the fireplace being lit up with a crackling fire. It gives the room a golden glow and the fairy lights surrounding the table make it all even prettier.

There's a little box laying on the table in front of them. A ribbon wrapped around it with a perfect bow on top. The little card attached to it has Harry's name written on it and he slowly walks towards it. "You always do this romantic shit for me, and I kinda felt bad for never getting you something. So that's why i made this. I hope you like it." Is what Louis mumbled with blushed cheeks.

Harry walks to the table and places the present in his hand as he gently pulls on the big bow making it slip loose. When he opens the lid of the box, a book appears. Its made from leather and all the matching tattoos that the boys had gotten over the past months had been drawn on them.

He opens the first page and instantly recognizes the first picture that the two boys had taken together. Right underneath it is written "The first picture". He turns the page and reads it. It says "The first date" with again a picture of the two boys above it. When he turns the page once again he sees their favorite wedding picture with "The first day I could officially call you mine" written next to it. The page next to that is almost empty. The words "The first" are written on the bottom again with enough place for another photograph.

With tears in his eyes he carefully places the book on the table and in an instant hugs his husband.

"I love it so much Louis. It's gorgeous and I'm sure it our kids will love to see it too!" Harry tells him.

Louis pulls back and looks his husband in the eyes.

"Our kids?" He asks.

"Oh my god im so sorry. I know we have never spoken about having children but I just love them so much and I love you and I would love to raise them with you. But just tell me if you don't want to because I don't want to force you to have children with me but I just thought that if we ever get kids they will probably love to see this. Im sorry, it was just a stupid thought." Harry rambles.

Louis places a soft kiss on his lips and replies "Don't worry so much Haz. I would love to have children with you."



The younger one gets pulled into yet another kiss to which he responses by jumping and wrapping his legs around his hubbys middle.

And in that moment all there was, is love. The two boys who met each other in a bar, now happily married and talking about having kids. Never in the world did either of them think this would happen.

But after all...

It was not,

Just A Crush


Sooo, this was the last chapter. I might change things throughout the story later to make it a lil better but i hope you liked it.
I'll probably write an epilogue later :)

All the love <3

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