Doctor Hemmings

35 1 4

-supermarket_flowers fank u for the ideas <3

Louis woke up when his mum came bursting into his room. ''Your aunt is really nauseous and has a bad headage so we are now going to take her to the hospital. I will be waiting downstairs, we're leaving in 10 minutes.''

Before Louis could protest his mum already walked outside so he got up and put on some comfortable clothes. He checked his messages, but there still wasn't any from Harry. Louis didn't have time to think about it more because him mum was already yelling for him to come down.

Louis hurried to the living room and then walked to the car with his mum. They both quickly got in and drove away, Louis could see that his mum was stressed and he didn't really know what to say so he decided it was better to just stay silent until they were at his aunts house.

After they picked up his aunt they drove as quickly as possible to the hospital. When they got there his mum and aunt got out and started to walk, the blue eyed boy just followed them to wherever they were going.

As his mum was talking to the receptionist he was looking around. He saw lots of different doctors walking around and rushing to the rooms with patients. The receptionist told his mum they needed to go to room 155, they had to take the second hall to the right and then it was the very last room. Louis again followed his mum. They walked past dozens of rooms and Louis saw thousands of worried family members walking in the hallway. He wondered what their story's were and why they were here.

After a while of walking through the hallway of the huge hospital he spotted a woman. He looked at her and she politely smiled at him, he awkwardly smiled back and then quickly looked away. That woman reminded him of someone but he didn't really know who. He knew he had seen those shiny green eyes and that dark brown hair before. He didn't have time to think about it more because they were already at room 155 and his aunt and mum walked inside. When louis wanted to walk inside his mum told him it maybe was better if he waited outside in the hallway. Louis sighed and rolled his eyes but walked to the hallway again and sat on one of the chairs that were put there for people who needed to wait.

The blue eyed boy was tired, he didn't got a lot of sleep that night and he had so many things on his mind. That was when he remembered that he still hadn't gotten a text from Harry. He looked at his phone again but there was only a text from Niall.

Niallllerrr: Heyyy, wanna hangout this weekend??

Me: Would love to but im at the hospital for my aunt.

Me: If I get home I'll text ya

He immediately got a response back from Niall.

Niallllerrr: Kay mate

Louis smiled and then put his phone away because he saw his mum, aunt and some doctor walking out of the room again. The doctor looked really young, like really young. If he wasn't wearing a long white coat and a name tag Louis wouldn't have thought it was a doctor. He had bright blue eyes and had blonde hair.
Louis stood up and he shook the doctors hand. " Hi I'm doctor Hemmings". He said with a small smile on his face. "Hi I'm Louis''

Doctor Hemmings turned back to face his aunt and said: ''You are probably still a little bit in shock because of the car crash, nausea and headaches are normal side effects for that miss Deakin. You should try to relax a bit and then everything will be fine.''
''Thank you so much for taking such good care of my sister doctor Hemmings'' Louis mum said and smiled at the doctor. ''Of course that is what I'm here for right?'' he smiled.

"Can I ask one more thing'' His aunt asked right before they wanted to leave again. ''Sure, whatever you want.'' ''When I got in the car crash there was this young man who also got injured, do you know if he is okay? I would feel horrible if there was something with him all because I was on my phone.'' His aunt said with a guilty face. The doctor nodded and said: " I'm not sure but I can check the files to see in which room he stays so you can go see him'' ''That would be great!"

They all followed the doctor and he checked the files, the boy was laying in room number 165. The room wasn't really far from where they just were so it didn't take really long to get there.

When they got there his aunt knocked on the door and they heard a female voice say: ''Come in.'' Louis was a little bit confused because his aunt had said it was a young man but when they walked into the room he understood. He saw the woman he had seen in the hallway, with the shiny green eyes, and realised that she probably was the mother of the young man. Again he gave the woman a small smile before he turned to see who was in the bed.

And what he saw then was the most horrific sight he ever saw...

In the bed was the one boy he never wanted to get injured, the one boy he wished to never see like this. It felt like someone stabbed Louis in the heart with a knife.

''Harry'' he softly said. His voice trembled as he tried not to cry in front of everyone.
Harry was laying in the bed, he looked unconscious and he had a lot of bruises on his head.

Louis turned to the green eyed woman, who was Harry's mum, and asked: ''Uhm I-I, this is a friend of mine. What happened to him?'' His voice cracked at the end and he felt a tear prickling in his eye as he watched the brown haired boy. ''Oh I don't know you but nice to meet one of my sons friends, I'm Anne.'' She shook Louis hand and then continued to talk. ''He has a really bad concussion and he broke both his arms, he will be okay but it will probably take a while.''
Louis heard that Anne was trying really hard not to cry but he saw a tear rolling down her cheek, she quickly wiped it away with her hand.

Louis got in his own little world as he softly cried and watched the boy. In the background he heard his mum talk to Anne and his aunt was also taking part in their conversation.

Before they left, Anne had asked Louis if he wanted to come visit more often and Louis obviously said he really did. He would come every day if it was necessary he thought, it was only one more week until he had vacation and then he would have nothing to do anyway.
Anne said that she came from really far and Louis had then told her he wouldn't mind taking care of Harry. She was really glad because she really had to get back to work soon and she didn't really know any other friends of Harry. They exchanged numbers so Louis could tell Anne how Harry was doing and then Louis, his mum and aunt left.

They walked through the long hallways of the hospital on their way to the exit and Louis still couldn't believe what just happened.


Again, I'm really sorry this update was so late but I had test week at school and I was really busy. I have summer vacation now so I promise I will be uploading more the next couple weeks.

I hope this chapter is a bit better than the last one, that one really sucked hahaha.

Pls vote and comment, it makes me really happy if you guys comment hihi :)

All the love <3

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