The drawing

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Louis pov:

The next couple days Louis took care of Harry. He was at the hospital the whole day and also most of the nights. He really wanted the green eyed boy to wake up but unfortunately that didnt happen that week, or the next week or the week after that.

The few nights Louis went home, becuase his mum insisted on it, he couldnt stop thinking about the older boy. He tried to convince himself it was still just a crush and that when Harry would wake up it would probably be over, but that didnt help.

Every afternoon when Louis was done with everything he could do for Harry he would sit down in the comfy chair in the corner of the room and continue his drawings.

He had already finished one drawing of Harry's face and one of Harry and himself togheter. Whenever he was done with a drawing he put the paper on the cupboard next to Harry.

He was now doing a drawing of the big, beautiful butterfly tattoo that he had remembered from when they went skinny dipping.

He was finishing the last wing and then he put his authograph in the corner, like always. He wanted to make this drawing special because Louis absolutely loved the pretty butterfly. When he was done he looked at it but realised the paper was missing something. The drawing missed words...
Words that would discribe his feelings and his life.

He thought for a while before he found the perfect words.

Tall stories on the page
Short glories on the fade
I been close enough to touch
But I never cared for love

Yes, that was it. After he wrote it down next to the butterfly, he walked over to Harry and put the drawing on the cupboard. He then walked back to his chair and fell alsleep despite it being 2 o'clock in the afternoon.


Harrys pov:

The days after he first woke up he continued to wake up every now and then. It was horrible because he never had the energy to open his eyes or talk. He sometimes heard a soft voice mumble some things but that was it.

After what felt like ages, he woke up again and he slowly opened his eyes. He was so happy when he finally saw the room where he was and mostly the person he was with. In a chair in the corner of the room was a sleeping Louis.

Was Louis the one he had heard these days? Was he the one who stayed with him all this time? Harry tried to speak and wake Louis up but his vocal cords didnt cooperate. He wanted to do something that would wake Louis up but both Harry's arms were in a cast so it was hard. He looked at the cupboard next to him to see if there was anything he could use to wake Louis up.

But on the cupboard were laying a couple drawings. Harry grabbed the drawings clumsily, because of the cast, and looked at them. On the paper he saw himself. One of his face, it was in grey and white and it was gorgeous. Did Louis make this? He didnt know Louis could draw like this.

Then he looked at the second drawing. It were him and Louis. In the background he saw the logo of the bar 17Black, where they met.

When Harry looked at the third and last drawing, he saw the butterfly he had tattood on his tummy 2 years ago, when he was 19. It looked beautiful and Harry smiled when he remembered the night he went skinny dipping with Louis.
Then his eyes went to the text that was written next to the butterfly.

But before he could think about what it could mean he saw Louis waking up. He quickly put the drawings back on the cupboard and looked over at the little boy who was rubbing his eyes.

When Louis spotted him, and saw that Harry was awake, his eyes grew wide and a huge smile spread across his face. Which also made Harry smile.

Whenever Harry saw that cute little boy with gorgeous blue eyes smile he couldnt help but smile himself too. On the first day he saw Louis he knew he was going to have a huge crush on him, and he wasnt wrong. But sadly Louis didnt feel the same way, well he thought.

He actually didnt really know what Louis was to him. He sometimes was really confused wheter Louis wanted to just be friends with him or more.

When they were at that party they did kiss, but Louis was pretty drunk and after that he never really said anything about it to Harry, if he liked it he would have said something, right??

Louis had also said multiple times how glad he was that they were friends. And everytime he told Harry that, a little bit of convindence to tell Louis how he really felt went away.


Enjoy your weekend :)

All the love <3

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