The ball

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Days past by, days became weeks and even though Louis' mums health became worse, his nightmares slowly faded away and he tried to make the best of the time he had left with his mum.

Harry was running the hotel now for a while. He made a lot of money and together with Louis, who was still working in the backery, they had plenty enough money to make a living.

It was the beginning of march when the two boys were visiting Jay again. She was in the hospital but had her own room. It was like a very small apartment, it didn't feel like a hospital and that was nice for the entire family.

They were sitting on the couch, the three of them. Louis sat in the middle his hand holding his mums. "Mum, I've been thinking about something for a while." Louis began to speak. "I'm thinking of doing something for everyone diagnosed with cancer. Like a ball or something." He was looking at his hands while telling but after a minute of silence he looked up at his mum. He saw that she was trying really hard not to let the tears slip down her cheeks. "That's a lovely idea lou." She told him and she wrapped her arms around him in a comfortable embrace.


The next following week Louis planned everything for the ball. He occasionally invited Liam or Niall over to help him and the four of them had almost taken care of every aspect, accept for one. The date. None of the boys had dared to bring it up because they didnt know how much longer Jay had and Louis knew that too. But in the end Niall was the one to ask it to his best friend. "Okay so uhm all we have to do now is set a date. What do you think Louis?" He saw Louis take a deep breath but he was able to keep himself together. "Well, this weekend it's my mums birthday, maybe that would be nice." He responded with a soft voice, almost a whisper. They all agreed with him and started sending out invitations to make sure every single kid and also as many adults as possible would be able to come that weekend.


Louis felt a soft hand carres his cheek. The fingertips soft against his cheekbones and pressing lightly into his golden skin. He slowly opened his eyes and looked through his eyelashes, seeing his beautiful boyfriend laying in front of him. The small boy opened his eyes further before leaning up to give a quick kiss to Harry. "Goodmorning baby, it's the big day. How are you feeling?" He asked as he kept stroking Louis' cheek. "I feel really sad and really happy at the same time" Louis responded with a half smile. Harry told him that was absolutely understandable and that he will always be there for him. "I love you so much" He said before stepping out of bed to put on some clothes. "Love you more" the younger boy said as he also got up. "S not possible" Harry mumbled while pulling a sweater over his head. "Well it is because I love you till infinity and nothing is more than infinity" the boy tried to argue back as he grabbed a sweater from his boyfriend to pull on. Harry walked up to him and lifted him up as Louis wrapped his legs around his waist. "Then I love you till infinity and beyond." The older one said and quickly pressed his lips against the others before he could say anything. Louis just relaxed in his boyfriends arms and smiled into the kiss as he felt the soft and warm lips of the love of his life.


After a short make put session they had breakfast together and got dressed in the clothes they had bought for the ball. Louis was just wearing a simple black suit and Harry wore an almost identical one in dark blue. It was only 10 o'clock when the couple stepped into the car to pick up Jay and then drive to the ball. They had made sure the ball started early so that all the kids had long enough to enjoy it before they had to get back home to get to bed.

As they drove, they listened to the songs playing on the radio and before they knew it they pulled up in front of the hospital where Jay was staying. They went inside and instantly walked towards her room. Harry knocked on the door and the view that came was absolutely stunning. Jay was wearing a gorgeous, long, black dress. And she had put on just that little bit of make up that made her eyes even brigther than they already were. No matter how sick she was, the light in her eyes never died down but just kept shining, which Louis absolutly loved about her.

"Mum, you look absolutely stunning." Louis told her as a tear slid down his cheek. "Oh dont you cry my baby, you will make me cry too." They both shed some tears and hugged each other before they were almost ready to go.

"I can see where Lou got his beautiful looks from mrs Tomlinson." Harry said shyly as he watched Louis en his mum part from the hug. "Oh don't be so cheesy" Louis chucked and they all laughed for a second before Jay responded. "Well thankyou Harry and please just call me Jay." She said with a smile. She quickly shut the door behind her "Now let's go to that ball boys."
They walked out of the hospital and drove to the ball.

As they stepped out they saw the beautiful venue. It was decorated with thousands of lights which made it look like some sort of castle. The three of them walked upto the 'castle' holding hands, Louis in the middle, holding his mums and his boyfriends hands like his life depended on it.

His goal was for everyone here to have the absolute time of their life. For the people who knew they wouldnt be able to make it and for the people who maybe could get cured. Everyone in that room deserved to be happy and he hoped he could make that happen.


I just want to thank all of you for reading my story, it really means a lot to me :)

Keep commenting and voting it makes me really happy

Hope you like the chappie

All the love <3

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