What to say?

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Harry's POV:

A couple days after Harry was able to open his eyes he also finally got the energy to speak again. He talked everyday with Louis about stupid little things and that made Harry feel a little bit better.

It was tuesdayevening and Louis' mum told him to come home becuase he hadn't been home for over a week. Harry had said to Louis that is was fine and that he would be alright. Reluctantly Louis went home and left Harry alone in his hospitalroom.

Doctor Hemmings came into his room a while after Louis left and told Harry that his condition was getter a lot better lately and that he could probably go home in a couple days. Harry had mixed feelings about the news. He was really happy he was getting better but he liked that Louis took care of him and he didn't want to be alone at home.

Harry thanked doctor Hemmings for telling him the news and he left the room, leaving Harry alone again.

Then Harry remembered he hadn't called his mum in a long time. He had texted her a lot fter he woke up but he really wanted to talk to her so he decided to facetime her.

He grabbed his tablet from the cupboard next to him and saw the gorgeous drawings that he had seen the first day he opened his eyes. He still hadn't asked Louis about it, he was planning to ask him but he really didn't know how.

He shook the thoughts out of his head and facetimed his mum. She soon awnsered and her face popped up on Harry's screen. A huge smile appeared on her face when she saw her son looking at her. "Hey sweetheart how are you doing, is Louis taking good care of you?" "Yes he is awesome, he just went home so I'm alone now" Harry awnsered. Anne saw how Harry's face lit up when he talked about Louis. "When I met him he said that he was just a friend of yours but are you sure about that honey?" she said smirking a little bit.
Harry blushingly awnsered "We are just friends mum, but... I got a little crush on him i guess."

Harry and his mum talked the whole evening about Louis and how Harry should tell him how he felt. Anne said she was sure Louis felt the same way but Harry still doubted that. But Harry trusted his mum so he promised her he would talk to him the next time he saw him.

After that they said goobye and hung up. Harry placed his tablet back on the cupboard, glancing one last time at the drawings before laying back down and falling asleep while thinking about the small blue eyed boy.


Louis pov:

The next morning he rushed to the hospital as quickly as he could because he couldnt stand not knowing how Harry was. He knew the doctors would call him if something was wrong, but still.

He walked over to room ... and opened the door slowly. He saw the gorgeous boy sleeping peacefully in the hospitalbed. He looked a lot better than a while ago and Louis was happy about that.

Louis quietly walked over to the familiar chair in the corner trying to make as less noice as possible so that Harry could continue sleeping.


After another hour or so, Harry finally woke up and they had breakfast together. They, again, talked about the siliest little things.

One thing they always liked to do was look outside though the window and make up a story about a random stranger passing by. They had done that a couple times now and it always made them laugh.

Today there was some rich guy walking by. He was wearing an expensive suit and one of those way too expensive briefcases. " Look Haz, that guy over there. He probably asked his boss if he could go on vacation for the sixth time this year but his boss diclined so now he has to go home and tell his way younger wife they cant go to some luxe recort." Louis half laughed half spoke. He heard Harry's beautiful laugh and looked back at the boy. He could see his emerald green eyes and perfect dimples. How could someone be so perfect.

Harry looked back at him and they just looked at eachother for a couple seconds. Just taking in the others perfect features.

When it became slightly uncomfortable due to the lack of conversation they both looked away. Trying to find a new stranger, but it had started to rain really hard and everyone had disappeared.

They were kind off just sitting and looking around the room when Harry spoke: " Uhm Lou, I have.. uh a question for you." Louis looked at him, curious because Harry looked.... nervous and he had never looked like that before. "Yeah sure, you can ask me anything you want" Louis responded, trying to make the older boy slightly more comfortable.

"When I first, you know, opened my eyes. You were asleep.. and I saw these drawings on the cupboard" Harry says as he looks over at the cupboard next to his bed. O shit, Louis completely forgot he put those there. He didnt read the poem thing did he? But before he could stress about it more, Harry continued to speak. "And I think they're awesome, youre really talented." He smiled. "But why did you draw me?? I was just kinda wondering that" Harry said as he looked down. He looked so soft right now, his eyes looking down and curls hanging in front of his face, it almost made Louis forget the question. But what was he supossed to say? 'I have a huge crush on you and you looked so pretty sleeping in your bed so i thought lets draw you, but it doesnt mean anything, its just a crush.' Yeah, because that sounds really believable Louis thought sarcastically.

He looked at the other boy who was now looking at him too, patiently waiting for an awnser.


Ok it's been ages I know, I'm sorry about that.
I hope everyone is doing alright :)

All the love <3

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