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The next day Louis went to school again and nothing really special happened. He had his normal boring classes and sat with Niall, Barbara and Eleanor in the lunchbreak.

When the girls went to the bathroom together, Niall asked Louis about Harry and Louis showed him the messages he received from Harry. Niall told him that Harry most definitely had a crush on him but Louis didn't believe him, because why would Harry have a crush on him, he is just Louis...

After the lunch break he had one more class before he could go home. It was math, the most horrible thing in the world. Luckily Louis had a seat in the backrow of the classroom and the teacher didn't notice that Louis was half sleeping the whole time. When the bell rang he was shook awake, he quickly grabbed his backpack and walked out of the classroom.

He had to walk home alone, because all of his friends had another class to go to. But he kind off liked it tho. This way he could enjoy the silence surrounding him on the way home.

He was walking through the park when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He grabbed it and saw a notification form Harry. His face immediately lit up at the sight of Harry's name.

Harry: Hey sweetcheeks how was your day?

Me: Hi Harold, I guess it was okay.

Harry: That doesn't sound very enthusiastic :(

Me: I just had a lot of boring classes but now I'm done so I'm walking home

Harry: Wanna hang out this afternoon?

Me: Yeah sure, I'm just going home to change and than we can hangout

Harry: What about I meet you in the park in 30 minutes???

Me: Yessss

Me: Byeee see ya there

Harry: Bye sweetcheeks :)

Louis locked his phone with a smile and put it back in his pocked as he quickened his pace, because he only had 30 minutes to go home, change and walk back to the park.

When he arrived at his house he saw his mums car in the driveway which was unusual because it was Monday and normally she would come home after dinner. He opened the door and walked over to the living room in the hope to see his mum so he could ask her why she was already back from work.

But when he walked in he was almost immediately got pulled back out by his mum. ''Your aunt was in a car crash and we have to go to the hospital now to see if she's alright'' his mum said as they walked out of the door towards his mums car. ''But I was going to hang out with some friends'' Louis said. He wasn't planning on telling his mum about Harry, she would never approve Louis to hang out with some guy he met in a random bar. And by the way his aunt never really liked him so why did he have to go to the hospital to see her? ''Well than cancel that because your aunt is way more important than that'' was the only thing his mum said before pulling out of the driveway. Louis rolled his eyes and than pulled out his phone to text Harry that he couldn't come after all.

Louis: I'm really sorry but one of my family members just had a car crash and I have to go to the hospital with my mum.

Louis: I told her I already had plans but she wont let me go :(

On the way to the hospital he checked his phone multiple times but no message from Harry.

It was late at night when Louis and his mum came back from the hospital. His aunt was okey, she only broke her arm but that was all. As Louis predicted his aunt wasn't very happy to see him but his mum said later on that she was so glad he came and everything. At least he made his mum happy, he thought.

He was laying in bed doing nothing, he couldn't sleep but it was also way too late to ask someone to hang out. And by the way he didn't think any of his friends were free, Niall was probably with Barbara and he really didn't want to be the fifth wheel, he didn't want to hang out with Eleanor because well she was a little weird sometimes. And he still hadn't got a response from Harry. Usually he would reply in less than five minutes and now its been hours.

Louis lied on his back looking at the roof for what felt like hours before he slowly drifted of to sleep.


O gosh this update was fooking late, I'm sooo sorry. I was really busy with school and some other things kept me busy. But now I'm baaaaack. Ok, this chapter is pretty bad....

I will try to upload a better chapter again soon :)

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All the love <3

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