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Louis was curled up on bed. It was day but the curtains prevented the light from coming into the room. It had been a week and Louis hadn’t left the room except to go to the toilet every now and then. Harry brought him food, that most of the time he declined. He was worried and didn’t know what to do. The little boy was wrapped in the blankets with his face pressed into the pillows, even if it was way too warm for that.

Harry had tried to talk to the crumbled down boy but the only response he got was that he didn’t feel like talking. They had cuddled for days but Harry really thought he had to do something now. He sat down beside louis, stroking his small back with his hand, trying to give him some comfort.

‘’Hey Lou.” Louis only murmured to show that he heard him. ‘’I was thinking, maybe you can talk to someone, like a therapist or something.’’ ‘’NO’’ it was the loudest Louis had talked since that one day. ‘’Calm down Lou, its okay, it was only an idea. If you don’t want to you don’t have to.’’ Harry tried to comfort him. ''Okay, m sowry’’ Louis whispered against the pillow.

‘’Can I know why you don’t want to go?’’ Harry silently questioned. He would do anything to make his boyfriend feel better.

Louis lifted his head a little to look in the bright green eyes. ‘’They wouldn’t understand anyway, I cant live without her Harry. I don’t want to live without her’’ Louis broke down crying again, burying his face further into his pillow so he wouldn’t feel the tears stream down his cheeks again, he was tired of that.

“Oh baby, I’m so so sorry, come here’’ Harry comforted him and pulled him into his embrace. Louis pressed his face into his boyfriend’s neck and Harry’s shirt got soaked with tears.

He tried to comfort Louis by murmuring soft nothings into his ear and placing soft kisses on his head and after a while the little boy was only shaking, no tears were coming out anymore, he had cried too much those last few days.

He felt a constant ache in his heart that reminded him she was really gone. That he would never see her again. All the crying made his head hurt and all he wanted was to stop the pain, but he couldn’t.

After the boy calmed down a bit, Harry suggested they would watch a movie together in the living room. It was the first time in a while that Louis went downstairs and he held Harry’s hand as tight as he possibly could without crushing it. He didn’t want to go down. The light hurt his eyes after so many days of darkness.

Harry carefully pulled him towards the couch where he sat down and pulled the small boy in his lap. Louis instantly curled up again, knees against his chest and face pressed into Harry’s neck with soft curls caressing his cheeks.

The older boy searched for Friends because he knew it was the youngers comfort show. He went to an episode somewhere around he beginning and clicked on play. The loud music coming from the television boxes hurt Louis’ head as if it wasn’t hurting enough already. The boy whimpered a bit and pressed his ears closed with his hands. Harry got the hint and immediately turned the music off. He didn’t mind a bit as they had already seen the episode a thousand times.

The two boys watched the show for the rest of the afternoon. The first couple episodes, Louis was completely buried into Harry’s chest but as the time passed, he became more comfortable to actually watch the show and not only cling to the big body of his fiancé.

After almost an entire season of Friends, it was time to have dinner and Harry really wanted Louis to go out and get some fresh air, so he proposed to go out on a date to some fancy restaurant and Louis declined but in the end agreed after some comforting words from Harry.

Harry was already dressed so he told his beautiful boy to take a shower, wash his fluffy brown hair, and pull on some real clothes, not just sweats and one of Harry’s way to big hoodies. He agreed and went upstairs again to get ready for his date with his boyfriend that would hopefully distract him from the pain in his heart and head.

He stepped into the shower and let the water run over his body. He just stood there, not having the energy to wash his hair. He hoped Harry wouldn’t mind, he was just to tired for it.

He just stood there, feeling the way too warm water almost burn his skin and make it a slight red colour, for a solid half hour before he finally decided it was time to get out.

He dried himself of and walked to his closet. He pulled out some black skinny’s and a dark blue hoody that Harry had bought for him a couple weeks ago. He pulled those on and walked over to the mirror to do his hair. But as he wanted to grab the little black comb lying on the table in front of him, he saw it. He saw the blue with golden necklace that he had gotten from his mum on Christmas. He grabbed it, when he looked into it he saw his own reflection.

And suddenly he was shaking on his legs, he couldn’t stand anymore and sank down on his knees. The tears, that he thought were all gone, came running down his cheeks in an instant. He couldn’t control his own body anymore and his vision went black. He struggled to get enough breath into his lungs and he clasped the necklace in his hands so tight that he knew it would leave a mark if he ever let go of it. But he didn’t want to let go of it. He was fine there on the cold, tiled floor. It was fine that his body was shaking so much he didn’t feel everything hurting for a moment. It was fine that he finally held something of his mum close.

Louis scrambled further down till he was lying on the floor. His sweater had risen up, so his back made contact with the cold floor and he had his cheek pressed against it too. The coldness of the room made him feel like he was on fire and the feeling was so intense that he almost passed out. But right before he could, he heard a distant voice calling. It was a familiar voice, one he had heard a million times already, but his body was too tired and his mind too far away to recognise it.

He only noticed the cold tiles being replaced by a little less cold body and then his body went limp.


Soo, tell me what you thinkkk :))
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All the love <3

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