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The following weeks, the two boys try to go out more often and it does Louis good. The nightmares slowly start to disappear. They have started planning the wedding which also distracts Louis from the problems swarming in his head.

And whenever he does feel like he could crumble down right there, he goes to Harry. He doesnt say anything but just spreads his arms and the older one will get the sign and wrap him in a warm embrace until he is feeling better again.

This day, Louis hadnt had a panic attack for an entire week and he feels quite proud about that. He has planned to go wedding shopping with Niall and Eleanor. He didnt have that much contact with Eleanor after he met Harry, this was also due to the fact that his classes were online and not mandatory. Louis had quite missed her though and looked forward to seeing his two best friends again.

He was daydreaming on the couch, leaning against his fiancé who was working on his laptop, when he heard a car honk outside. He sits up and looks out of the window, seeing Nialls car with a way too excited Niall inside.

He quickly stands up and gives Harry a quick peck before whooshing out the door. He runs up to the car and gives both of his friends the tightest hug before they start their way to the little shop. Louis had chosen it himself, it was small, not too crowded and you could design your own clothes there, which Louis adored.

They arrived and the little shop was indeed as it said on the website. They walked inside and while the door opened, a little bell was heard. An employee immediately came walking to the three young people. She had a small smile on her face and her brown eyes looked friendly.

Even though the employee looked super nice and the shop had a nice vibe, Louis was still a little worried about what they would think about him. He loved to wear skirts and dresses and he knew most guys didnt do that. Some people had problems with it and he just hoped the people here werent one of those.

What can I help you with? The woman asked as she scanned all three of their faces. Louis was a bit stressed but Niall noticed and answered for him. "My best friend here, Louis, is getting married and he is looking for a dress for the wedding." Nialls smile shone through the room and the employee returned one when he heard him.

"How lovely, may I know what exactly you are looking for? "

Louis blushed a bit. "To be honest, I dont really know yet. All I know is that I want a pretty dress, a long one preferable." "If you want, I can show you some of the dresses we have to give you some ideas." Louis was getting more comfortable, this was going to be fun. "Yes that would be great, thankyou."

"Come on luv, lets keep it a surprise for your friends over here." She motioned for Louis to come with her and so he did.


Walking through the endless aisles, the two of them talked about the theme of the wedding and the colours and styles Louis liked.

"I dont want to invade your privacy, but may I ask you who youre getting married to?" The employee, Louis now knew was called Sarah, asked awkwardly. Louis laughed a bit at the politeness. "Of course, he is called Harry. I met him at a party once and I immediately thought he looked beautiful. He is super sweet and always does really romantic things for me. I really want to find something pretty to wear at the wedding so I can surprise him with that. I just hope he will like the dress I find, but what if he doesnt. Maybe I should ask him about what he is going to wear. What if we dont match and..." Louis started rambling.

Sarah put her hand comfortingly on the customers shoulder. He stopped talking. "It will be fine. He sounds amazing and Im sure he will love whatever you choose." Louis let out a breath and calmed down. "And to tell you a little secret" Sarah continued "Harry came here to find something for the wedding too, so I will make sure that your outfits will fit with each other." She winked at Louis and continued walking along the aisles filled with hundreds and hundreds of dresses.

"Wait really, he didnt tell me that!" Louis laughed and hurried after Sarah as quickly as his little legs could.


The rest of the days Louis, Niall and Eleanor were in the little shop. Talking with Sarah, Louis trying on dresses and just fooling around. They had the best of fun and somewhere at the end of the afternoon, Louis had almost decided on what he wanted.

He had fitted thousands of different dresses, some were fluffy, some accented his curves, some were white, some coloured or black. There were so many choices but two of them stood out. One of them was an acrylic green colour that Louis instantly connected to Harrys eyes. It was low-cut to show off his collarbones, the top was tight on his body showing it perfectly and the skirt that was attached to it was fluffy and made him feel like a princess. The other one, was white and had all these little flowers on them. And damn, did he love the little flowers. It gave this happy detail that made Louis smile whenever he looked at them.

When he told Sarah about his favourites and how he didnt know which one to choose, she had told him it was perfectly possible to combine the two dresses. Louis couldnt be happier and embraced Sarah, who didnt mind and hugged him back.

He payed a deposit and thanked Sarah another thousand times before they left the little shop. The little bell rang again as the door opened and then closed behind them again.

It had been a while since he had so much fun with his two bestest friends and he couldnt be more excited for that day when he could finally call Harry his husband.


Hope you enjoyed this lil chappie :)
Sorry if there are any mistakes hihi

All the love <3

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