First Christmas day

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It was Christmas, louis his favourite time of the year. First of all, he loved the twinkling lights in the trees and everywhere on the street, but he also loved the cosiness, drinking hot chocolate by the fire and thinking of all the good memories he had made with his family, and now, this year also the memories he made with Harry. Lastly it was also his birthday, but he usually didn't celebrate it because he would celebrate Christmas with his family and he didn't like to push all the attention towards himself.

But this year was different. As he was laying in the soft and warm bed that he shared with Harry he slowly woke up. He felt a ray of sunshine on his face as he opened his eyes partly. He saw the curtains weren't closed completely and the small boy spotted the glistering white snow that covered the world outside. It was cold there; all the animals had gone to their winter sleep to escape from the cold forming outside but louis felt warm. Not only because he was laying under the covers, shielded from the cold but also because the most gorgeous man was laying there snuggled up next to him. The man he loved. The man he wanted to build a future with.

As the younger lad tried to turn around to face Harry, he saw that the older boy was already awake. He looked up to him with half opened eyes and Harry placed a kiss on his forehead covered with a soft fringe. Louis snuggled a bit closer and put his face in Harry's neck, not ready to fully wake up yet. "Good morning baby, happy birthday." He heard Harry's raspy voice say in his ear. He smiled cutely and looked up to his boyfriend. It was his birthday. He couldn't believe how fast this year had gone. It felt like just yesterday that he saw Harry for the first time in the bar and now it was already his birthday which also meant, almost his one-year anniversary with his perfect boyfriend.

He was shook out of his thoughts when Harry got out of bed, pulled on some sweats, picked Louis up and started carrying him downstairs. Louis giggled and nuzzled his nose in Harry's soft curls. They smelt like flowers and the younger boy absolutely loved it.

Before he knew it, he was put down on one of the chairs in their kitchen. Harry smiled and placed a kiss on his temple before he grabbed an apron and tied it around his waist. He started grabbing the ingredients for their breakfast while Louis just stared at him with loving eyes.


They ate breakfast. Harry had made French toast with white and brown bread, he had then cut a heart shape in both of them and replaced the cut-outs, so he got a white toast with a brown heart and the other way around. Louis had cooed at him and gave him a quick kiss before enjoying his meal.

After, Harry insisted they got dressed immediately. So they did. Louis had put on his black skinny jeans like always and an oversized sweater that reached mid thigh. When they were both done Harry put Louis a blindfold on and grabbed his hand. Leading him through the door and into the car.

Driving towards their destination Louis kept pushing to tell him where they were going but Harry just ignored him and placed his hand on the younger boy's leg. When they arrived, Harry got out and opened Louis' door. He grabbed his hand again. He leaded him further and stopped after a while. He came to stand behind Louis and whispered in his ear: "Okay baby, we're here." He pulled the blindfold of and wrapped his arms around the small body of his boyfriend, waiting for a reaction.

When Louis opened his eyes, he was starstruck for a couple minutes before he was able to speak again. They were standing in front of the lake where they went skinny dipping last summer. He remembered thinking Harry was crazy. They didn't even know each other for a week and he wanted to swim in the lake with him, naked. He remembered splashing water at the taller boy, seeing and hearing him laugh as he did the same back. He remembered them laying in the grass, drifting of to sleep to the sounds of the others deep breaths. He remembered everything. But now it felt different than the first time. The place was filled with memories of the two boys. There were lights in the trees surrounding the lake which shone on the ice that was formed due to the cold.

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