The confession

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Louis' pov:

''Uhm, well I didn't really have anything to do so I got bored and...'' Louis tried to explain but he didn't know how. Louis looked down. ''Gosh Harold, I can't do this. I like you okay, I really really like you and I'm sorry because I know you just want to be friends and.. God I always ruin everything.''

It was silent for a while. The only thing you could hear in the small hospital room was the breaths of the two boys. ''Lou" Louis looked up and saw Harry's glistering eyes looking at him. Harry slowly grabbed Louis' hands and started rubbing small circles on the back of them.

''I'm really sorry if I made it seem like I don't like you Lou. I do, I've liked you since the day I met you but I was so scared to tell you because I thought you didn't feel the same.'' Harry said softly.

It took Louis a while to fully understand what the older boy just said, was this real? It felt extremely real, this couldn't be a dream right? But maybe it was.

He got snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Harry's hand brush away the hair in front of his eyes. They stared at each other, not saying a word because neither of them knew what to say.

It was Harry who brought life into the room again when he quickly crashed his lips against Louis'. It chocked the younger boy but soon he started kissing back. It was a passionate but loving kiss. It said everything the boys were afraid to say all the time, and everything they couldn't say with the words they had.

After a couple minutes they broke apart, smiling while they looked each other in the eye.

This time it was Louis who leaned in again. This time the kiss was softer and more sweet. They kept kissing one another like that until they heard a small cough coming from the direction of the door. They broke apart and awkwardly looked at the door.

Dr. Hemmings was standing in the doorway smiling politely at the two boys who were blushingly smiling back at him. ''You'll probably be glad to hear that you, Harry, can go back home tomorrow.'' The doctor said which made a huge smile on Louis face appear.

Louis glanced over to Harry who was still looking at the doctor, he didn't seem that happy about the news, which confused Louis. He looked back at Dr. Hemmings. ''Thank you so much for the news'' Louis told him. ''No problem, goodnight boys'' He replied while turning around and then closing the door.

Louis turned around again to face Harry. ''Why aren't you excited that you get to go home again tomorrow'' Harry sighed and answered: ''It's just that.'' He looked down at his hands. ''I liked that you took care of me and... I honestly don't want to go back home where I'm going to be all alone. Also some things are kind off hard when I have both my arms in a cast.''

Harry looked sad and it hurt Louis to see the boy like that. This time he took Harry's hands in his own.

''If you want, I can, like, live with you.'' Louis said doubtful. He didn't know if that was what the older boy wanted but he couldn't stand not asking it.

He saw a slight smile appear on Harry's face. ''Would you really want to do that for me?'' He asked not really believing that the younger boy would do this. ''Yeah of course I would, I love spending time with you.'' Louis told him reassuringly while squeezing Harrys hands a little.

''I can't tell you how glad I am I met you Louis.'' Harry gave him a quick peck on the lips before laying down again. He looked tired and closed his eyes. Louis carefully laid next to him in the way too small hospital bed.

''Goodnight Harold'' He said before also closing his eyes. ''Goodnight sweetcheeks Harry mumbled softly. Louis put his arm over Harry's waist and both boys slowly fell asleep.


It's been a while. Hope everyone is doing alright :)

Pls comment and vote.

All the love <33

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