The next day

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Louis woke up when he saw the warm sun shining through the pale white curtains. A small smile grew on his face as he remembered the events of last nights. He looked to his side and saw Harry still fast asleep.

He rolled over to his side to face his beautiful boyfriend. Carefully, he stretched his arm to trace his fingers through the brown curls.

He lays there for a moment, watching the older boy sleep and wrapping the locks around his finger only to let it go loose again and repeat the same action. When Louis is almost drifting back to sleep, he glances a look over his alarm clock and notices that its almost time to get up.

He softly places his lips on his boyfriends forehead and places a little kiss on it. Harry mumbles some inaudible words before opening his emerald green eyes. He looks up into the other's blue ones and a small smile plasters on his face, making his cute dimples show through.

"What time is it?" He whispers with a raspy morning voice. "Early enough to have another cuddle before getting out." Louis responds as he lays his head on the older's chest and cuddles him close.


The boys got dressed, had breakfast and were now on their way to the zoo where they were meeting up with the rest. Louis was singing along with the radio and Harry mumbled the melody. Everything seemed calm and at peace at that exact moment.

As the news came onto the radio, a comfortable silence filled the car. Harry's eyes were focused on the road as Louis gently placed his hand on the gear stick. When the other boy also put his hand on the gear to change it, he softy squeezed Louis' small hand and left his bigger one there until they reached the zoo.

They went into the parking lot and saw the rest already standing at the entrance, waiting for them. Anne, Jay, Robin and Mark were having a chat while the girls played with Lou's daughter Lux who they were going to babysit for the day.

The couple found a parking spot and walked over to the rest so that they could enter the zoo together.

As they walked inside, hands interlocked and smiles covering their faces, small kid's giggles filled their ears.


A bit short one but hope you like it :)
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All the love <33

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