Second Christmas day

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*second Christmas day*

After the best night of his life, louis woke up with the warmth of his boyfriend next to him. Harry was the small spoon this time, because he knew Harry liked that. He had his arms wrapped around his tummy and occasionally traced his fingers along the tattoos littered on his chest, waiting for the older boy to wake up.

After a while, he looked to his side to check the clock and saw that it already was 9 am, their family was coming at 10 so he probably needed wake Harry up.

He let Harry roll on his back and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. He put his hands in the soft, chocolate brown curls and started playing with them while he placed soft kissed on Harry's face, everywhere except from his lips.

Harry soon woke up and the two boys got dressed and had breakfast. This time Louis had pulled on a short white skirt and a red cropped sweater. He really liked to wear skirts and dresses, but only with special occasions.

He wore golden earring with a small, blue stone in it. His lips were covered in the same lip-gloss as the day before and on his lashes was a small layer of mascara. Lastly he had put on a white beanie that matched his skirt and covered his feathery hair.

After breakfast they heard the bell ring and Louis quickly walked over to the door.
He opened the door and Harry was already walking towards them, standing next to Louis. They were greeted by both their family's with big bright smiles and presents in their hands.

They were let in and given drinks when they were seated in the living room. Louis' sisters, Daisy, Phoebe and Lottie, sat on the ground next to Harry's sister, Gemma. Their parents were sitting on the big couch across from a smaller one where Harry and Louis sat themselves.

They decided to immediately start with the presents because the twins were way too excited to wait any longer and the rest was also pretty curious what they would get. They had drawn lots a few weeks earlier. Louis had gotten Daisy and bought her a barbie, dressed as a superstar.

When she unwrapped the present and saw what was inside the instantly ran over to her big brother and gave him a hug. It was so tight Louis almost couldn't breath, but luckily his little sister pulled of soon enough and skipped back to her present where she happily started playing with it.

Then it was Harry's turn to give his present. He had gotten the lot of Phoebe and he had also bought a barbie. But this one was dressed as an astronaut because Louis had told him Phoebe loved that. She quickly ripped the wrappers of and a huge grin appeared on her small face. "Fankyouw so muss Hawwy!" She squealed, too happy to speak properly. She took the barbie out of the package and started playing with it just like her twin.

They exchanged some more presents. Harry had gotten a photobooks from Gemma with lots of embarrassing pictures of them in it. It made the whole family giggle before they continued.

It was now Louis' turn to open his present. It was from his mum and as he ripped of the wrapper he saw a small box appear. He opened it and inside was a delicate golden necklace with a blue stone. "It's your birthstone boobear." His mum told him and a slight blush covered his cheeks. It was beautiful and he quickly thanked his mum by giving her a tight embrace before he let Harry put the necklace on. It made his eyes shine even more and it matched a bit with his earring which were just a little bit darker. He loved it.

After they had all unwrapped their gifts, they cleaned up the room. Harry made everyone another drink and Louis brought out the Christmas cookies he and Harry had baked just a couple days ago. They all ate and drank something while making small talk. Louis was just listening to a random conversation that Harry and his stepfather, Robin, were having. Then, his mum came walking over to him. "Hey Lou, can I maybe talk to you in privet for a minute?" She asked, hesitant smile on her face. Louis nodded and followed her out of the living room and into the kitchen. No one seemed to notice except for Harry, who shot him a comforting smile.

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