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Louis speedwalked to 17Black, the club they were going to. He didn't bother to run because. Well he was just too lazy to run.

He arrived at the club 10 minutes late. He said Nialls name at the door and got in after showing his ID.

When he walked in he spotted his friends. He walked over and they were already laughing and shouting, probably already haven drunken their first beer.

He sat down next to Niall who didn't even comment on him being late and just said how happy he was he came because he thought Louis wouldn't come at all. Louis just rolled his eyes and then took part in the conversation the girls had.

They were talking about the guy Eleanor was dating. Ugh Bruce, if Louis heard that name again he was going to gag. He already heard Eleanor talk about him millions of times. He got it, he had light brown curls, brown eyes and he was really funny.

"You don't have to keep telling us that you already told us a thousand times." Louis said, trying to make it sound sarcastic but actually he was done with hearing the same story over and over again." You're just jealous because I have a boyfriend an you don't" Eleanor laughed. As if, Louis responded. "At least I'm not drooling over some guy I met a couple weeks ago" Louis said. It came out a little but harsher than intended. The girls were quiet for a moment but then broke into laughter again. For no particilar reason at all. Louis rolled his eyes, maybe he did that a little too much but who fooking cares.

"I'm going over to the bar, want anything?" Louis asked Niall who was just watching his girlfriend laugh. Yeah just a beer is good. Louis walked over to the bar. He had to wait a short while because lots of people wanted to order drinks.

As he watched the bartenders give drink after drink to random people he spotted some brown haired, really tall guy. The guy walked over to Louis and asked him what he wanted. But for a second Louis froze.

He just watched the beautiful green eyes and the perfect curls of the man in front of him.

It was only when the man aksed for the third time what Louis wanted, he shook out of his trance. He blushed when he realised he had been staring.
"A beer and a cocktail please" Louis said softly. "I'm sorry what did you say?" the man asked. "A beer and a cocktail please" Louis said again, not really any louder than before. "I'm sorry the music is really loud you have to speak up a little." The man said as he came closer in the hope he could hear Louis.

Louis blushed a bit more and told the bartender again. He nodded and got the drinks ready for Louis. Here you go, the man said. Thank you, Louis almost wispered.

Right before the man turned around to help someone else he read his nametag. This gorgeous man was named Harry.

Louis took a deep breath, turned his gaze from Harry to his drinks and walked back to his friends, giving the beer to Niall. Well that took a while Niall said laughing. "Yeah, busy you know" was the only thing Louis could say. The only thing going on inside his head was: Harry Harry Harry.

And that went on for the rest of the night. Even when he said goodbye to his friends and walked back home it was the only thing he could think of.

He had this strange feeling in his stomach every time he thought about those beautiful green eyes. He never really had this feeling before and he didn't know what it was. He just tried to forget about it and went to sleep that night. Even tho he didn't want to come in the beginning he kind of had fun tonight.


Again, I'm sorry if there are typos.
Please comment if you like the story :)

All the love <3

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