Smol bear

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This is kind off an in-between chapter with a bit of fluff, but I hope you like it :)

The family walked through the zoo for the whole afternoon. They were almost approaching the exit when they came across the meerkats. They were Harry's favourite because they always looked so cute and small.

Harry walked toward the meerkats while holding Lux' little hand. Louis was walking a little behind while he talked with Gemma about the most random things. When he saw Harry and little Lux watching the animals together his heart swelled up. It was like he saw the future he wanted al along right in front of him. Harry and Lux were laughing about a brown meerkat that was looking at them curiously. Louis smiled at the view in front of him before walking up to the duo. He gently wrapped his arms around his boyfriends broad chest and placed his check on his shoulder. He looked at the meerkats that were happily walking around their residence.

The three of them stood there watching for a while and then proceeded to walk back to the group that was already at the gift shop. The two boys walked around, looking for something to buy. After a few minutes Harry came walking towards Louis with a little bear stuffy in his hands. "Look baby this is for you." He smiled at Louis as he gently put the stuffy in Louis' small hands. "What for honey, you dont need to buy me anything" Louis responded as he looked at the bear that he was holding. It was soft and very, very small. The black eyes reflected the light in the gift shop and there was a little smile sewed on his face. Louis looked Harry in the eyes again as he began to speak. "Youre my loubear. And youre just as small as that bear. Plus youre just as cute, maybe even cuter." Louis blushed and grabbed Harrys hand.

They said their goodbyes made their way towards their car to go back home.


They drove and arrived home safely. Louis put the little bear stuffy on his bedside table so everyday he would wake up and see the cute present of his boy. It was already quite late and the boys were laying on their bed, cuddling like always. Louis was tracing along the dozens of tattoos that littered Harrys chest. He had thousands compared to Louis, who only had some tiny tattoos every here and there.

He looked up from Harrys chest to look him in the eyes. "Harry" he began. "Yes sunshine" the older boy smiled back at him. "I want to get matching tattoos." He said straight forward. Harry giggled a bit, making his chest, and therefore also Louis' head, wobble a bit. "I would love to get matching tattoos with you honey." Louis smiled contently and continued tracing Harrys big butterfly tattoo.

Harry had always considered it as a moth but since the first time Louis laid eyes on it, the day they went skinny dipping, he insisted it was a beautiful butterfly, just like Harry himself. He never saw his own beauty but Louis saw all that was beautiful about him, which was a lot. His brown fluffy hair that covered his forehead with shiny curls made him look like a Disney prince. His emerald green eyes were always shining and Louis loved to drown away in them. His puffy, pink lips with which he spoke with the most beautiful slow voice. Louis could look at him for days and still find things that he hadnt seen before. Just like with those colourful butterflys that you find in your back garden. They never see their own wings and the gorgeous colours on them but you as a human will never stop looking at the special patterns across their wings.


The next day, they went to a tattoo shop together to get their matching tattoos done. They agreed on something small and simple. Harry would get a lovely sun done on the back of his shoulder and Louis was going to get a moon with a petite star next to it. It referred to some nicknames they had for each other. Harry called the little boy sunshine a lot which made Louis start calling him his big star or moonlight.

Both lads went into a separate tattoo room. Both of them werent very nervous due to the other tattoos they already had gotten before.

Harry chose a big sun with curvy lines as sunshines. He also chose to have a little black cloud tattooed next to it. He always loved the sting that the tattoo gun gave and he was super excited of how it would turn out. Since last night, when Louis mentioned his idea, he couldnt stop thinking of having these tattoos with the boy he loved till the end of the world.


As Harry walked out of the room, he already saw a shining Louis standing there, waiting for him. Louis eyes were twinkling and a big smile was spread across his face which made his dimples show.

He walked toward the younger boy and was about to show his sun when Louis quickly pressed a kiss onto his lips. "Missed you" he whispered. Harry chuckled a bit. "It was only like an hour or so." "Still missed you" Louis laughed in response. "Now show me your tattoo."

Harry pushed his shirt aside so his boyfriend could see the contour of the sun on the back of his shoulder. "Thats so beautiful" Louis cooed. "Thankyou" Harry smiled to him. "Now show me yours sunshine."

Louis pushed the waistband of his sweatpants down a bit and on his pale golden skin a small moon could be seen, accompanied by a tiny black star on the side. "And wait for it" Louis said as he pulled his sweatpants up again. He then showed his wrist to the older boy, who got tears in his eyes when he saw what was tattooed there. It was an outline of a bear, just like the one Harry had gotten for him the day before. "Oh baby thats so stunning" Harry admitted honestly. "Thanks Haz."

Louis felt warm arms wrap around his chest and he fell into the comfortable embrace. This was where he always wanted to be in life. Wrapped in the arms of him boyfriend, no problems swarming in his head and just happiness radiating everywhere.


'M sorry for any mistakes.
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All the love <3

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