Pretty, purple dress

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As the ball continued, Louis' heart felt warmed by all the smiles he saw. All the kids got pretty dresses and suits, pretty make up and little tiaras.

While the grown-ups were mostly dancing and talking, there were plenty of games for the kids who were all laughing and playing together.

Louis was standing in the corner of the room, observing it all, when a small boy came running up to him. He was wearing a little black suit with a red bow tie. As he boy looked up to him, Louis saw he wasn't smiling and he wanted to change that.

"Hey, what's wrong buddy?" Louis said as he kneeled down so that he could look the boy in his shining eyes. "I uhm... all the girls are wearing pretty, shiny dresses and I just have this boring suit. And, I was kind off wondering if I could also get one of those dresses." He spoke as he looked at the ground.

"Well of course!" Louis responded smiling. "Why didn't you tell me earlier, I could have send you a dress before?" "My mum didn't want me to wear a dress, she told me they were for girls." The boy looked upset and Louis felt so bad for him. He knew how it felt to be judged by people for wearing skirts or dresses, but by your own mum, poor boy.

He took the small boys hand in his and started walking to the dressing rooms where they had some extra clothes, just in case someone didn't receive anything or there were any other problems.

"What's your name luv" "Calum" he spoke softly as he stared at the glittery dresses hanging in the dressing room.

"Well Calum, you can choose one of these dresses. Its your choice." Calum smiled brightly and chose a long, purple dress with little shining stones on the top. Louis helped him get dressed and told him to go play with the other kids again, which he did.

Louis made sure the black suit got back where it belonged before he wanted to walk out of the dressing room again, but before he even opened the door, Harry walked in with a huge grin on his face.

The older boy walked towards him and grabbed his hands. "Everything is going amazing baby. All those people smiling, it's all because of you." Harry gave him a quick peck before continuing to speak. "But there's one more thing you have to do." "The speech" Louis said nervously.

He dreaded this part. He was scared that he was going to break down in front of all those people. He didn't know what he had to say, even though he had already made a speech a couple days before. But in his head, that speech never seemed good enough.

"Hey Lou, you can do this okay? Your mum and I will be right beside you. Now come on, people are waiting." Harry smiled to him, grabbing his hand and starting to walk to the little stage in front of the dance floor.

Louis stepped on the stage and for a moment his breath hitched. All those people were watching him, waiting for him to say something. And all the words he had prepared just flew out of his head and he began to speak, from his heart.

"Dear people, a couple days ago I made this entire speech. A speech about how you should not give up and always find the good things in life. And I still think that's the most important thing. But, standing here, in front all of you, I see that this isn't about giving a good speech. This is me talking to you from my heart and telling you to enjoy life as it is. Enjoy the ups and downs and everything in-between. Enjoy the days you spend with your family and friends. And be grateful for every day that you get to wake up. Because as quick as life may start, as quick could it be over. And for everyone that has come here today, thank you. I have to thank all of you in here, because without you, this wouldn't have happened. I'm so glad I was able to do all this for you, for the kids and.." a single tear slid down his cheek as he took a deep breath. "And for my incredible, incredible mum. Thank you mum for everything you have done for me. The microphone is for you." He finished off. Everyone clapped and he quickly gave him mum a small kiss on the cheek before she stepped to the front of the stage.

"Scared, that is what I was the second I heard I had cancer. Scared to leave my amazing kids alone. Scared to leave my husband and friends. Scared... to die. But after a bit more than a week or so, I realised there was only one thing I could do and that was to enjoy the last time I had with the people I love. And to everyone in here who is also feeling scared, for whatever reason it might be, I want to tell you to enjoy every single minute, because you might never know when it ends. "

"Lastly I would like to recite a poem. ‪
What do you do when a chapter ends?‬
‪Do you close the book and never read it again?‬
‪Where do you go when your story's done?‬
‪You can be who you were or who you'll become."

"I want to say that I'm proud of every single one of you in here tonight for making it this far. I believe in you, now all you have to do is believe in yourself." She smiled as she stepped of the stage.

Louis stepped forward once more to say some last words. "A massive thank you to all of you, enjoy the rest of the day."

He and Harry also walked off the stage towards Jay. The moment the music started and everyone was distracted again, Louis and his mum broke down crying in each others arms.

"I'm going to miss you so much mum." "I'll miss you too my boobear."


Tears were shed and laughter was heard the whole afternoon long. It was already getting pretty late and some of the kids had gone home, leaving most other people dancing on the dance floor.

The two love birds had just finished eating some dinner when a slow song started playing. Harry stood up and smiled at Louis while reaching out his hand. "May I have this dance from you gorgeous?" "Yes you may" Louis laughed as he intertwined his fingers with those of his boyfriend.

They walked over to the dance floor and started swaying smoothly at the ritemn of the song. Louis' head was resting on Harry's chest so that he could hear his steady heartbeat against his ear. The younger boy's arms resting on Harry's neck and playing with the little curls whereas Harry had his arms wrapped tightly against his boyfriend's waist to give him some support, seeing as he was tired.

They danced like that for a while, untill they both got tired of it. "Maybe we should go home Lou, you seem tired. You've been up yesterday the whole night to make sure everything was alright. You should get some sleep now." Harry softly spoke into his ear as they walked away from the dance floor, still holding hands.

Louis nodded before speaking "There's one more thing I have to do before we can go." Before Harry could ask him what it was, he had already disappeared into the dressing rooms again. He came out with one of the plastic, shiny tiaras in his hand. And walked over to a small boy who was wearing a purple dress.

Louis tapped him on the shoulder and the boy turned around. The brightest smile appeared on his face as Louis placed the delicate tiara on top of his dark brown curls. They exchanged some words which Harry couldn't make out before the blue eyed boy returned to his boyfriend with a content smile spread across his face.

He grabbed his hand again and kissed his cheek. "I love you so much." "I love you too my baby."

They walked out of the building, into the cold air. Both smiling content and ready to go home and snuggle up in bed.


I'm sorry for any mistakes. I will check it later but I'm too tired for that now hihi :)
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All the love <33

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