Chapter 1

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Harry had become good friends with a small group of elves in the woods, they all mostly talked using sign language as the elves loved learning new things. The first one Harry had met, Killian, was one of the few people Harry felt comfortable talking to, but it was usually Killian lip reading as he was very quiet.

Harry had also started opening up to Pansy and Blaise, who would come over whenever they were playing some quidditch, Harry and Draco against Pansy and Blaise. Harry still wasn't fully comfortable talking to them, but he would be able to whisper in the same room as them, and would occasionally ask them questions.

It was July 31st, a day that Harry had never let himself forget about, even if everyone around him did. He wasn't expecting anything, it wasn't like he had ever gotten anything on his birthday before. Sure, the Malfoys had got him several gifts, as had Sirius and Remus, but they had given him so much Harry felt as though he wasn't going to get anymore from them, and that was fine.

That was until he smelt treacle tarts and hears whispers outside his door. The whispers were clearly between Sirius and Remus, they were arguing about if Harry would be awake yet and if they should go in.

"Happy birthday Harry!" They chorused as they walked in, clearly having decided it would be okay. Between them they held a treacle tart with a candle sticking out the top.

Treacle tarts were one of Harry's favourite foods, every time it was severed at Hogwarts Harry would try to make sure he got at least a small slice. He didn't want to admit it, but he had a massive sweet tooth. Clearly either Draco or his new guardians had noticed.

"Thank you." Harry said quietly, the two men coming up to him sitting at the window seat, one of his knitted blankets wrapped loosely around his shoulders, apparently one of the local old women had made it for him when they found out an 11 year old would be living there.

"Of course, pup. The Malfoys will probably come here around mid morning, and if you want we can call the others to join in the afternoon. If you want to then we'll do presents in the afternoon when they're here, otherwise we'll do presents after the Malfoys get here." Sirius said as Remus cut the tart into pieces for everyone to have a slice, Harry obviously getting the largest.

"I want it to be small." Harry said, he felt a little bad not inviting Pansy and Blaise, but he liked it best when it was just him and Draco.

"Okay, pup. We'll all have some tart, then we'll all get dressed." Remus said, ruffling Harry's hair affectionately.

It was only after Remus said that that Harry realised that Sirius and Remus were also still in their pyjamas, Sirius having pulled on a top, and Remus having put one of his worn, oversized jumpers over his clothes. 

The treacle tart was amazing, probably better than the ones at Hogwarts, making Harry think that it must have been Remus who cooked it, Sirius not being anywhere near as adept at cooking. He could make some decent simple meals, but he was definitely not capable of that.


Harry's clothes, much to the jokingly exaggerated sadness of Sirius, were very similar to Remus'. Filled with baggy, soft, comfortable tops, cardigans, and jumpers. A lot came from charity shops, simply because they were there for Remus and Harry fell in love with them. Harry had a few different styles of trousers, and a few skirts, but he mostly wore jeans. Of course, all of this was when he wasn't wearing the soft, but highly professional looking robes the Malfoys would get him.

"Harry, can we talk for a moment before the Malfoys get here?" Remus asked, gesturing for Harry to join them in the sofa by the fireplace. Harry did as he was non verbally asked, hopping onto the seat between the two men.

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