Chapter 5

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At breakfast the next morning, the other surrounded Harry, making sure it was impossible for Slughorn to see him. Even when the timetables were handed out, Slughorn didn't get to glance at Harry, Ven and Melissa getting his timetable for him.

Minerva came to the Slytherin table after handing out the Gryffindor timetables to give Harry and Draco the updated timetable for them.

"How come it's only you two who get to get out of Slughorn's lessons? He's a creep, I don't want to be in them either." Pansy said, huffing and crossing her arms, causing a few bowls close to her to tip over and spill over the table.

"We don't have any definitive evidence that he's a creep, but Harry is uncomfortable around him, and Harry and Draco are a package deal, especially when it's because Harry feels unsafe." Melissa answered, annoyed, she had already had to tell Pansy this about 50 times since it was decided.

"I've already written to father, I'm sure he'll look into it soon, and we'll have evidence before the end of the year." Draco said, hugging Harry close, who hadn't spoken a word since the previous evening.


"Cissy, I got a letter from Draco and I'll need your help with some of it." Lucius said, he was wearing his normal dress robes, even though it was hardly 7 am, but for once his hair was a mess.

"Of course, what is it?" Narcissa asked, sitting up more upright. Lucius' smart clothes meant that she wasn't too worried, he didn't think it was too serious to run here without getting dressed, but his messy hair showed he still thought it was very serious.

"Slughorn is back teaching at Hogwarts, and he's making Harry terrified. He made both Draco and Harry extremely uncomfortable, kept making comments about how Harry should look more like Lily, and things like that. He wants us to see if there are any experiences that were also uncomfortable. Seeing how Lily was mentioned a lot, and you're closer to her than I am, I was hoping you could be the one to ask for her experiences with him." Lucius said, putting the letter down for Narcissa to read.

"Of course, we were going to meet up for some afternoon tea today anyway, so I'll ask then." Narcissa said, barely glancing down at the letter before she froze at her realisation. "Lucius, the Slug Club."

"Yes, we weren't a part of it, what of it?" Lucius asked, trying to fix his hair as he looked into the back of a spoon.

"Exactly. Every member of the Slug Club became successful, even if they later leave the career. If they leave the career they're never seen again. But, Lucius, there were no members of the Slug Club were from influential families, or if they were then they were on really poor terms with their families with it being quite well known." Narcissa pointed out, worried. Lily was the only one for whom Slughorn didn't pull strings to get her a job, and that's only because she and James married and started participating in the war right after they left Hogwarts, the Potters having more than enough money.

"They're the group of vulnerable people he could manipulate with the least chance of getting caught. I'll look into the people who disappeared first." Lucius said, stopping trying to fix his hair as the house elves came in with their breakfasts.

"We should be as fast as possible, while Harry and Draco are safe, so are probably most Slytherins, at least most purebloods, the rest of the students aren't." Narcissa said, flicking her wand and fixing Lucius' hair for him.


"Narcissa, good to see you, how have you been?" Lily greeted with a bright smile. Now they could get visitors, Lily and James had made more areas of the island available for having visitors.

Narcissa and Lily were going to have afternoon tea in the middle of a magic made clearing filled with a large number of wild flowers, with a few paths so people didn't have to walk over the flowers. The clear table was made by magically holding some water in stasis in that position, there were two teacups with flowers painted delicately around the rim. There was a stand that matched the teacups with sandwiches and cakes stacked on it.

"Mostly the same, how about you Lily?" Narcissa asked, she wanted to ask, but they were meeting to have some point, there's no reason to dampen the mood at the very start.

"James is doing much better now he can see his husbands again. I don't think they're over what Peter did yet, but I don't think anyone can blame them. Sirius and Remus are telling us all about Harry, so hopefully he'll be able to trust us soon." Lily said with a sigh, the clear golden coloured tea in her cup seeming to make the light dance as it sloshed slightly.

"I'm guessing you are itching to be able to go places again." Narcissa said with a chuckle, Lily had told her all about how much she loved going hiking, especially when she was younger and went with her family.

"That's not why I want Harry to trust us, he's our child, and we failed to protect him. I still don't remember how he did this to us, who knows, maybe he used muggle methods too." Lily said with a sigh, her heart hurt every time she thought about the amount of time she lost with her child, and how much trauma he had gone through during those years. She could only be glad he had somehow managed to survive, and he's slowly getting better.

"I know, but I'm sure that when you do have his trust you will be bursting to take him on the same hiking holidays you went on as a child." Narcissa said, laying her hand on Lily's hands. She hadn't meant to imply that Lily only wanted to get out, but that must be something she cares about too.

"I wish I hadn't trusted Severus back then, if I hadn't then I may still have a relationship with Petunia, and Harry might have had an easier time." Lily sighed, looking down at her tea sadly.

"He's in Azkaban again now, but there's nothing we can do to change the past now. Seeing how we're already on uncomfortable topics, can you tell me about your interactions with Slughorn?" Narcissa asked gently, she had no way of knowing Lily's experience with the man.

Immediately Lily went pale, her hands shaking as she remembered the large man. He was so much larger than all of them, and it was hard to build up muscle in the wizarding community, so he could easily overpower each and every one of them.

"What's happened with him?" Lily whispered. There was nothing she could do either way, but she had desperately hoped her son would never have to meet that man. She was the luckiest ever member of the Slug Club, but what he had done to her peers made her sick, and what he had tried on her.

Lots of people believed she fell for James because of his looks, and while she admitted he had always been attractive, his looks played very little into her feelings. He was the one who had realised the danger she was in and helped her out of it.

"He was brought back to Hogwarts for his old position." Narcissa said as gently as she could.

"He can never be allowed near my son!!!" Lily screamed, jumping to her feet, causing both her chair and the table to clatter to the ground. She almost looked demented with fear.


"Please, Narcissa, Harry is too weak to stop what that man will do to him! He didn't get his way with me, that's why he never got me a job, but if he gets Harry alone it will be worse than it was for anyone else because of that. He wants to own people entirely, so sometimes he'll use potions on them! He threatens them with their security if they tell, he's had them put under his control before too, with a mixture of legal and illegal methods. Even You-Know-Who was one of them." Lily had tears pouring down her cheeks now as she clung to Narcissa's robes.

"Lily, for the time being Harry is being kept away from him, don't worry. We're just trying to collect evidence to get him fired or worse." Narcissa tried to calm the hysterical woman down.

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