Chapter 7

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Natasha paced her office as she waited for the Malfoys and Lupins to respond t her letters. She was more than aware that it took time for her messages to get through, but it had been hours since she wrote the letters, it was dark out wit the crescent moon causing the only light that streamed into the room. She had refused to light any candles yet, feeling like it would be admitting it was so late.

She had asked for them to floo to Hogwarts when they got the letters, as it would be better to explain everything in person. Not to mention that the Malfoys would be incredibly useful in prosecuting Slughorn. He had been caught in the act, but he had powerful people behind him too. His "collection" of powerful people was well known.

"For crying out loud, how long does it take to read a letter and flu here!?" Natasha yelled, grabbing the pot of flu powder from the hook by the fireplace. "Malfoy Manor"

As the heat and fireplaces flew by her face, Natasha realised they may consider her lateness rude, or they may be asleep, but either way, she didn't care.

It wasn't really possible to come out of the fireplace gracefully, but Natasha did what she could to do so. To her relief, the Malfoys were not yet in bed, although they did look shoked to see her there.

"Professor McGonagall? What brings you here this late?" Narcissa asked, after a moment of slightly awkward silence.

"It's regarding my letter about what happened at Hogwarts this evening, it should have arrived by now. I need to go get the Lupins, so please flu to Hogwarts where I will explain everything." Natasha said, turning back to the fireplace and fluing to the Lupin cottage.

"We never got a letter from Hogwarts though." Lucius said after Natasha had disappeared into the green flames.

"We also never got a reply from those letters. We should go and talk about the error in communication." Narcissa said, standing up and grabbing her wand and getting the flu powder, looking back as she waited for Lucius.


The five stood in Natasha's office, Remus looking like he had just been dragged out of bed, Sirius holding a mirror that showed James' face, clearly talking to him when Natasha had dragged him and Remus to her office.

"Professor McGonagall, we never got your letter, nor any responses to the ones we wrote you." Narcissa said, before Natasha could start talking.

"I never got any letters from you. What were they about?" Natasha asked, surprised.

"Slughorn." Narcissa replied simply.

"Then there's a pattern between the missing letters. Slughorn tried to assault Harry and managed to drug him using a strong potion. Thankfully he's fine, and the potion will probably make his memory of the incident hazy, same with the other students involved, but, unfortunately, Draco witnessed at least a part of it. He's trying to act strong, but I'm pretty sure he's scared after what he saw." Natasha said with a sigh.

"Where are they now?" Sirius asked, he felt like people would be able to see the beating of his heart through his chest.

"Their dorm in Slytherin. Whatever potion Slughorn used made Harry sleep, Draco is staying with him. It wasn't supposed to do that, but Harry's inheritance made it act differently, thankfully it doesn't seem to have done any serious harm, but he will need some more bed rest after waking up." Natasha explained with a sigh, sitting back down behind her desk.

"So why did you want us?" Lucius asked, the Lupins they understood, it was the child under their care, but he was sure calling a friend's parents wasn't protocol, even if the child was close enough to them to trust them.

"Two reasons. One, I am certain Draco will need your support, and I don't think you'd be detrimental to Harry's comfort. Two, while Slughorn was caught in the act, he has a lot of powerful allies and we need powerful help to take him away, help I was hoping you could provide." Natasha said, gesturing to the mismatched seats in the office. Most of the things in the office were left over from Dumbledore, she had spent most of the time trying to fix Hogwarts, besides, most of her time was actually spent in Minerva's office. She was glad there was a secret passage way there.

"About Slughorn's allies, we've been looking into them and most, if not all, had similar experiences to Harry, although most weren't stopped. The only other case we can find of it not going further than an attempt was Lily's." Narcissa said, handing over the papers containing their findings on the matter. "If they can be provided security then I'm sure they will help. But we also need to get permission to search his properties, it sounds as though he keeps people who didn't do as he wanted under his control at his house."

"This will definitely be helpful, thank you." Natasha said, taking it. "Do you want to stay here fir the night and visit the boys in the morning? I'm sure Melissa and Ven have set up a lock that only lets select people through, and as you don't usually stay here, I doubt you'd be let in without them opening the door for you."


"What happened?" Harry asked, his speech a little slurred from having just woken up. He was confused, he didn't remember going to bed, but here he was, Draco resting with his head on Harry's chest.

Draco was fast to jerk awake at Harry's question. He looked up at Harry so quickly it was surprising a click couldn't be heard, his eyes were wide and watery as he looked at Harry, throwing himself at Harry to give him a tight hug.

"You're awake? How are you feeling? Do you remember anything?" Draco asked, pushing Harry back onto the bed and looking at him with wide eyes.

"'M fine, my head's just spinny. What happened? I remember the Prefect Weasley telling me Professor McGonagall needed to see me alone, then it's too fuzzy." Harry said a little weakly, his words less slurred as he woke up a little more by now.

"It doesn't matter, but you were given a potion that made you sleep. Mme Pomfrey said you need to stay in bed for at least 2 days from now. Tell me if you feel unwell!" Draco said urgently, looking worried.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked after nodding, Draco having stepped back when Harry had agreed to stay in bed.

"You're the one who could have been in trouble! Why would I not be okay!?" Draco yelled, but his voice was trembling, and watery.

"Sorry." Harry said, breaking eye contact and looking down.

"No. You don't apologise for this! You're the one who should be apologised to! I don't care what anyone else says, don't you dare apologise!" Draco yelled, upset.

Harry didn't know how to respond. If someone was upset, he should apologise, and if he had done something wrong, he should apologise, but he had done something wrong by apologising, so apologising was the wrong response, but what was the right one?

"I didn't mean to yell at you, sorry Harry. It's just, I'm angry, and I couldn't even do anything to protect you!" Draco said, annoyed, his voice cracking.

Harry, although knowing that this was going against what he had promised Draco, Crawled over the thick covers to give Draco a hug. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know if there was anything to say, but hugs made him feel better, and he hoped it could make Draco feel better too.

Harry was still worried, though, because he still couldn't sense Predawn.

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