Chapter 15

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"Hello, I will be the healer in charge of Harry's care for this stay. Mme Pomfrey informed us that she believes he was affected by a spell made stronger using a language of power." A much more friendly healer explained to Sirius and Remus once they were all in a room.

"Which one?" Sirius asked, ignoring Remus' puzzled look, he had never read about languages of power before.

"Parseltongue, which changes a few fundamental parts of the spells, but otherwise shouldn't cause any problems. All spells that are able to control people have a certain radius from their caster where they become weakened, or even cease working entirely, as we're a very long way from Hogwarts, we may be getting lucky." The healer explained.

"I'm sorry, languages of power?" Remus interjected.

"Different languages hold different levels of power, for example if you said spells in English then it's unlikely you would get a result, however if we say it in Latin then it gets our idea of what spells should be like. In human languages it depends on how old they are, the older the more likely they are to hold power, but there are magic only languages like those for magical creatures and Parseltongue. These can change the spell in small ways that can also change their potency, but usually changes the way the target experiences it, but the end result is the same." The healer explained.

"Your best using a language of power that isn't your normal language, though, otherwise you might accidentally make new spells, or they could backfire." Sirius added.

"If you don't have any more questions then I'm going to take this off now to see if he's still being affected and then what we can do about it." The healer said, grabbing part of the sleeping mask.

As neither Lupin said anything, they removed the sleeping mask. Harry's eyes immediately snapped open, but they looked a little darker than normal and dull. Other than his eyes, which while fixed on a specific point didn't seem to be looking at anyone in the room, he still lay limp, as though asleep.

"Harry?" Sirius asked, tentatively as he tried to get Harry's attention, moving to be in front of his eyes.

"It seems like he has a little of the spell left, which will help us find out what it was and if there are any blocks we can use to stop this happening again. That said there clearly isn't enough of it left to do what it did at Hogwarts. It might even help us identify exactly what it was that cast the spell." The healer said, trying to make the Lupins feel better about Harry's condition.


It had been around three hours since Harry had been taken to St Mungo's, and there had always been at least one of them in the room, although occasionally the other would go out to muggle London for food or drinks. They ate a lot more than they would normally in that time period, but there wasn't much else they could do and it was an excuse to have a walk and breath of fresh air. The whole time the healer had been casting spells, except for when they were drinking the coffee Sirius bought for them.

Remus was the only Lupin in the room as the healer gasped, jumping to his feet immediately. "What is it, what's wrong? Is Harry okay?"

"What? Oh, the boy is fine, but the people currently in Hogwarts, maybe not. Stay here." They said, looking paler than healthy, making Remus almost worry that they would pass out, but he had been told to stay with Harry, and he didn't want to leave him alone either.

"Why did they leave?" Sirius asked, clearly having passed them in the corridor, a bag containing some Nando's in his hand.

"I don't know, they said Harry is fine but Hogwarts isn't. Maybe it's whatever caused Harry to be like this." Remus said, grabbing the bag from Sirius.

"May we come in?" Narcissa asked through the door as she knocked.

"Oh, sure, come on in." Remus said, opening the door for them that Sirius had closed behind him.

"How's Harry?" Draco yelled immediately, pushing his way into the room, not caring about etiquette. Lucius sighed, but nobody tried to tell him off, after all, it was more than obvious why he was acting like that, and it's not like they wouldn't at his age.

"The healer said he should be fine, the spell cast on him still has some effect, but not enough to make him do anything, only his eyes really show it. They said it was a good thing, because it means they'll be able to identify more about it." Remus explained, putting his food down.

"And where's the healer?" Lucius asked, unimpressed as he entered the room with Narcissa, both looking regal as they sat near Harry's bed.

"I don't know, they just gasped, said the people in Hogwarts are probably in danger and rushed out. I hope they'll be back before too long to explain." Remus said again, the insides of his stomach churning uncomfortably.

"Well," Lucius huffed out, "I don't know what they're teaching healers these days for them to think that's acceptable behaviour."

"Calm down, Lucius, it was probably something urgent. They said it was dangerous for the people at Hogwarts, and not Harry, so it's more important to let the people it's actually affecting know so they can prepare." Narcissa said, much more calm than her quietly fuming husband.

"I'm sorry about that, but it was rather more urgent that evacuation of Hogwarts started now." The healer puffed out, barely noticing the new guests in the room as they tried to catch their breath. "I identified what snake did this."

"And? An evacuation is a bit much for just a snake." Lucius snapped as the healer paused again to breathe, alerting them to his presence.

"Ordinarily I would agree with you, but this was caused by a Basilisk."

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