Chapter 49

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"Is everything alright?" Draco asked, pulling Harry to sit next to him on his bed.

"You have to promise not to hate me." Harry said, looking at his rough, shirt nails and wishing they would grow back quickly so he could pick them again.

"I don't think there's anything you could do to make me hate you, so that's an easy promise." Draco said with a smile that didn't reflect how he felt inside where he felt like a little bundle of worry that seemed to tighten around his gut as his stomach churned with acid that he could almost feel.

"Uh, um... You know... You know what Hermione said that time?" Harry asked, fiddling with his fingers as he tried to avoid looking at Draco.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what she said, I don't know why she started saying that I can tell her that it makes you feel uncomfortable so she stops if you want, I want to make sure you're comfortable and aren't made to feel unsafe or awkward." Draco rambled a little, waving his hands around a little, his eyes looking scared.

"No!" Harry said, loudly, looking up and holding his hands up to stop Draco from talking. "It's not that... um.. it's... uh... Well... I- um... I want to..."

"You want to what?" Draco asked, hoping that his heartbeat wasn't too loud and that this wasn't someone messing with him.

"I like you! And I want to kiss you!" Harry said louder than he had meant to, his face practically radiating heat from his raging blush, his eyes closed so he didn't have to look at Draco.

Draco froze, he wasn't even breathing as his breath had caught itself in his throat as he heard what Harry said. He wasn't processing it as quickly as it normally processed things, it felt like his brain was spinning like when muggle children would back peddle on their bikes as fast as possible, it's fast, but spinning in the wrong direction and wouldn't get you anywhere.

"I'm sorry, you can just pretend this never happened." Harry said, his hands shaking as he tried to keep himself calm and convince himself that Draco wasn't going to start hating him.

"Wait, sorry, you want to kiss me?" Draco asked a little squeakily, catching Harry's hand as Harry tried to rush out.

"I- I'm sorry, just forget about it I didn't want to make things hard. I need to go see Hermione and Khadija." Harry said, stumbling over his words and trying his absolute hardest to not cry.

"No, no, Harry please." Draco said, jumping to his feet too and pulling Harry back towards him.

Harry wished Draco would just let him go rather than gloat or mock him. It wasn't even a lie that he needed to go see Hermione and Khadija, knowing them they weren't going to leave until he came to them or he sent someone to tell them he wasn't coming. Hermione was definitely not one to leave when she knew someone was coming looking for them and they might be freezing from looking at things in the Black Lake and they definitely needed to be able to stop whenever they wanted.

"I want to kiss you too." Draco said, his cheeks pink too.

"R- really?" Harry stuttered, looking at Draco with sparkling green eyes filled with hope, but also a little insecurity.

Draco didn't say anything, just nodded, looking up at Harry a little uncertainly. "D- do you want to, um.... Try it?"

"Try what?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side slightly, looking confused.

"Try kissing, the two of us." Draco suggested, looking shy and a little embarrassed.

"I... um... if you want to..." Harry said, the marks that symbolised his inheritance starting to become visible again.

"Only if you do..." Draco said awkwardly, looking over Harry's face as the smaller boy nodded.

The kiss was very quick, hardly a peck on their lips, but both of them were blushing fiercely, Harry still trembling slightly. They were both extremely embarrassed, and neither had ever kissed anyone even that much before.

"I, um... I really do need to go see Hermione and Khadija." Harry stuttered, gesturing to the door with his thumbs.

"Oh, um, yeah, sure." Draco said, trying to fix his hair at least a little, not that Harry was sure when it had gotten messed up. "Um... Before that... Do you want.. To.. Y'know.. Be my boyfriend?"

"Do you want me to be your boyfriend?.. And do you want to be mine?" Harry asked, trying to calm himself down and get his inheritance to hide itself again.

"I would like that." Draco said, pressing his cool hands on his still incredibly pink cheeks.

"I would like that too..." Harry mumbled with a small nod, his hands still trembling slightly, before he left the room.


Harry and Draco were a very cute, rather innocent couple. They were easily embarrassed by the things they did as a couple that were far from heated, they would hold hands whenever they were walking places together and would spend more time hugging than they did before. Every now and then they would kiss the other's cheeks, which would make them both blush like crazy, and occasionally they would peck on the lips so lightly it was barely even a peck.

"I told you." Hermione said smugly, looking at Harry and Draco over her book the next time they were all hanging out together. Harry was sitting on Draco's lap and Draco was hugging him close, the two of them were working on Potions homework.

"Yeah, yeah, nobody likes a smart alec." Draco said, rolling his eyes as he scribbled down the next sentence in his essay.

"Odd, I could be sure Khadija and you both like me." Hermione said with a chuckle, easily dodging the ball of parchment that held Draco's failed essay in it.

As well as the piece of parchment, Draco also sent a glare at Hermione, that only made her chuckle as she tried to ignore them and focus on her book again. Khadija was very good at procrastinating with her homework now she was no longer at King Arthur's.

Everything seemed to be perfect.

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