Chapter 45

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Harry's sight became overwhelmed with a dark purple as soon as they got into the Great Hall, all because a certain girl threw herself at him with no warning. Thankfully she was able to catch herself and stop her momentum from sending both of them to the floor before any problems arose.

"Hey Harry, Draco." Khadija said with a bright smile, her blue tie around her neck showing that she had been sorted into Ravenclaw, another girl with 4c curls, dark skin, and dark brown eyes standing behind her. A girl Draco and Harry already knew a little, Hermione Granger.

"Hi Khadija, maybe warn us next time you want to send Harry flying." Draco said, looking at her with his arms crossed, his expression unimpressed, but there was some fondness in his eyes.

"Well excuse me for being excited to see you both again. Anyway I wanted to introduce you to my new friend, this is Hermione Granger, she's in Ravenclaw like me." Khadija said, grabbing Hermione by the shoulders and moving her forwards to be right in front of the boys.

"Hi." Hermione said a little awkwardly, waving her right hand as her shoulders tensed, not liking being steered around like some kind of wheeled tool.

"Hello again." Draco said with a nod. It wasn't that he disliked Hermione, and it was obvious that she was being controlled by the same spell as Harry last year, but she had been involved, and none of them liked it, so they just didn't really associate.

"Wait, so you two know each other?" Khadija said, looking between Hermione and Draco.

'We met last year.' Harry signed, stepping forwards so he was in clear view of her, Hermione, and Draco.

"You should have told me you guys were friends." Khadija said with a pout, after staring at Harry for a second, looking confused. Harry didn't know if she had understood what he had signed, but he guessed it didn't matter too much.

"Well you never said which Slytherins you knew," Hermione said rather quietly, looking at Harry and Draco a little awkwardly. "And while we know each other we're not really friends."

"Why wouldn't you two want to be friends with this amazing person?" Khadija asked, grabbing Hermione's face and squishing her cheeks, pulling their faces together and looking at Draco, Hermione making noises in complaint.

"It's nothing against her, it's just that we didn't really want to think about what happened last year, so we just didn't approach each other. Besides, people are normally friends with their own houses." Draco said, Khadija letting go of Hermione's face and looking interested in what happened to cause the two of them to kind of ignore each other.

"Wait, what happened then?" Khadija asked, looking between the three other people, completely ignoring the fact they were mostly blocking the doors to the Great Hall, people glaring at them as they pushed past.

Draco looked at Harry, who was finding it difficult to stand in one place as he was on the side opposite the wall, and there were people bustling past, sometimes running into him or accidentally catching him. It was Harry's choice about if he wanted to tell anyone about his inheritance, especially given his was an early one that had traumatic events tied to it.

'It's your choice to tell her or not.' Draco signed to Harry.

Harry gave Draco a small nod, moving a little closer to be standing between Hermione and Draco so he got caught less by the people squeezing past. 'I have a phoenix inheritance, I got it last year when I got killed by V-O-L-- You Know Who.'

"I'm really sorry, but I'm still not that good at sign language, I can do this," 'more cake please' "and some parts of the alphabet, but that's it." Khadija said, pausing in speaking to sign the phrase she had learnt a few years ago and had somehow gotten itself lodged in her mind to be something to remember.

"Harry, Draco, who are these people?" Melissa asked, taking them over and pulling Harry away from the door, walking confidently enough that the others followed her.

"This is Khadija, the person from King Arthur's we told you about." Draco said, gesturing at Khadija who waved at Melissa and Ven who was leaning against the wall behind Melissa. "And this is Hermione Granger, a second year Ravenclaw."

"The one from last year?" Ven asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That would be me." Hermione said, looking a little awkward as she waved at them.

"Can someone tell me what happened last year!?" Khadija said loudly, making a lot of people's eyes turn to look at them, Draco, Melissa, and Ven glaring at them, sending a shiver down the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor's spines as they turned away, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs turning away too but without the fear.

"No need to get everyone's attention on us when you ask, it's something private." Melissa said, looking at Khadija sternly over the top of Harry's head.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to be that loud, but I feel like I'm being left out." Khadija said, looking between the 4 of them.

"It's not really something you would want to be involved in." Hermione said, looking a little embarrassed.

"How so?" Khadija asked, her curiosity the kind that killed the cat without the satisfaction that could bring it back.

"It was traumatising, and Potter and I were controlled by magic." Hermione explained loosely. "We should get to our tables to eat, we can explain after dinner."

Hermione sent a slight grimace at Draco and Harry over her shoulder as she managed to drag Khadija to the Ravenclaw table. Draco pulled Harry into a small, brief hug before the Slytherins headed for their own table where Blaise and Pansy already were.

"Welcome back friends." Blaise said, poking Draco's arm with a wide, cheeky smile as they sat down.

"Yeah, yeah, we're back, but I don't know about the friends part." Draco said in the haughty voice that the Gryffindors thought was how he always talked, but that the Slytherins knew was joking.

"Oh, come on, Dray, we all know you love us." Pansy said, smiling like a Cheshire cat and pulling Harry into her, admiring the braids Melisa had done in his hair and were still left rather intact.

"Who ever said something as ridiculous as that?" Draco asked, struggling to not laugh.

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