Chapter 29

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Harry was terrified, he felt as the rough the rough collar of the new uniform was pressing on his neck. The test was so difficult, Harry was sure he had never even heard about half the stuff on the test, and more than half were about dark spells that could only have been mentioned in Defence Against the Dark Arts, but Harry was good at DADA, and he had never heard any mentions of them.

There were a few questions he knew the answers to, and he knew the answers to the questions on Potions, Draco enjoying talking to him about all the different potions he knew about, which were mostly far above OWLs and some even above NEWTs and Harry had quietly listened to all of it and understood it. Harry was confident enough in the answers to those questions, but everything else was so difficult that Harry wanted to cry.

The uniform wasn't helping, the neck was far too small for him. His new uniform was more ordinary for a muggle secondary state school, being black trousers, an awkwardly shaped, ill fitting, and poor quality jumper with the school's logo, and another awkwardly shaped, somewhat see through polo shirt that was rather rough, especially compared to the soft, smooth, comfortable clothes he was now used to. None of the uniform was comfortable, although he was aware it would probably be a lot more uncomfortable if he had to wear a bra.

Draco's uniform, although still far more reminiscent of a muggle's uniform than wizard's robes, was much smarter and looked more comfortable. Draco was wearing a well fitting shirt with a pocket on the chest, it was also a little see through, but nowhere near as uncomfortably so as Harry's. His trousers were, once again, much better fitting, they looked like they were made just for him, and from their shine they looked smooth and comfortable. In place of Harry's uncomfortably ill fitting jumper with a too small neck, Draco wore a blazer which fit him perfectly. It had several pockets too, and was very neat, it also had the school crest on it, but it still looked a little different from the one on Harry's jumper and polo. Draco also had a dark grey tie with gold stripes.

"How do you think you did? I think the test was pretty easy, I'm sure you also did well." Draco said, smiling at Harry as they walked back to the dorm building. Draco had noticed the difference in their uniforms, but he was going to address that once they got to his dorm. He didn't know what had come over him to leave Harry alone to go to his dorm, but he was glad the test was so simple, it was around a first year level.

With Draco's comment, Harry wanted to cry even more. He found the test so hard and would be surprised if he hadn't failed all but the potions sections.

"Harry?" Draco asked, noticing Harry's change in mood, as Harry had been somewhat hopeful Draco had also found the test hard. "Are you okay? We're almost at my room, we'll talk in there."

Draco held Harry's hand, pulling him to his room, walking as quickly as he could so that Harry and he could talk about what was happening. Draco's room was really quite nice, it was smaller than his room at Malfoy Manor, but that room was extremely large, so it's unlikely for him to have a room the same size. He had a large, 4 poster bed with curtains in the corner, a tinted window with a window seat so he could look out but nobody could see in, a walk in wardrobe with mirrors for doors, a white, elegant bedside tale, and a tall chest of draws in the corner by the door, with gold decoration. He had a fluffy, grey rug on the floor. The room seemed to be themed with black, grey, and gold, unlike Harry's which seemed to just be filled with the cheapest furniture they could get.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, leading Harry to sit on the bed with him.

"I didn't do well on the test." Harry choked out, his throat closing up as he tried not to cry, he was terrified of being put in a different class to Draco, he didn't know anyone here, the class would be a large crowd, he wouldn't be able to speak to them, and that would cause a lot of problems. "It was really hard, I didn't even know what some questions were asking about."

"Your questions weren't about stuff we covered last year, were they?" Draco asked, not that he needed to, he already knew they weren't, if they were Harry wouldn't be seeming so hopeless right now.

"No, I only knew the answers to the potions questions. I hadn't even heard of some of it." Harry choked out, not making eye contact with Draco, fiddling with his fingers and picking at loose bits of skin on his fingers.

"Hey, Harry, everything will be fine. It seems Professor Wilkins has already decided that the two of us won't be in the same class, our uniforms are different, and we got different tests, yours made to make you fail." Draco said, holding Harry's hands to stop him from picking at them and hurting himself. "But that doesn't mean that we have to be kept apart."

"But she said she didn't care about us needing to be together, and Remus seemed to really want me to attend before getting so ill." Harry said, his eyes wide and watery, voice sounding painful.

"So were my parents, but that doesn't change the fact that they love us. We should both write to them, you should write to Lily and James too, and we can be transferred out again. I'm sorry, but it will probably will take time. Where's your room?" Draco asked, tilting his head at an awkward angle to look Harry in the eyes due to his downturned head.

"Top floor, right corner furthest from the stairs." Harry mumbled, pulling one of his hands back to wipe his eyes, Draco taking it back again before long, a little worried he might start picking again.

"So the furthest away from mine. We could try connecting our trunks, I think I grabbed that book when I was leaving." Draco suggested, pulling Harry's arms to behind him, then pulling him closer in a hug, stroking his back gently.

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